Starting a Pizza Shop
This article is intended for those who have their sights set on starting their own pizza shop. Find out what pizza business is all about. Learn some pointers that may come useful as you go about starting your own pizza shop.
No one can discount the immense popularity of pizza.

In spite of competition, pizza shops have managed to get a foothold on the food-service industry. Indeed, pizza has a universal appeal. Young and old, everybody hankers for this delicious food product.
The demand for pizza shops has never been higher. In today’s fast paced and on the go world, most people prefer to dine out or have their food delivered at home. Why? People nowadays simply don’t have the time to cook and prepare dinner.
Do you want to open your own pizza shop? To help you get started, here is brief overview of the pizza shop industry.
Pizza shops can be classified into quick service, midscale, and upscale. The quick service or pizza-by-the-slice shops hugely reduces the customer’s waiting time. Quick service pizza shops have pre-cooked pizza on display so the customer’s wont have to wait for the pizza to cook. The number of pizza variants sold here relies on the capacity of your food warmer. This is the least expensive among all the pizza shop categories since it doesn’t require big space. A kiosk type outlet with a counter and built in stools will suffice.
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A midscale pizza shop offers the casual dining experience at an affordable cost. As the name implies, this category is the bridges the gap between a quick service pizza shop and a fine dining pizzeria. Here, the dining patrons can choose from a more substantial menu as compared to the quick service pizza shop. Typically, customers place their pizza order at the counter and get their food at their table.
Quality of food and excellent ambiance that is what upscale pizza restaurants are equally known for. Upscale pizza shops have the highest product price range. Typically, this restaurant category is more formal and patrons are often required to dress according to the ambiance. Pizza is their specialty but their menu contains a selection of Italian pasta, salad, soup, and desserts as well.
Additional tips:
Since pizza will be your main product, it is important that you know how to prepare and cook delicious tasting pizza. If you can’t cook yourself, make sure you hire an excellent pizza chef.
To keep your edge above the competition, see to it that you get only the freshest and highest quality ingredients.
A successful pizza shop owner has the passion for the cuisine and likes dealing with people. As a pizza shop owner, one of your main responsibilities is to act as a host to your patrons.
You will be tasked to manage the full operation of your shop. Among your many duties are bookkeeping and administrative tasks, complying with local and state government regulations, developing menus, managing your employees, marketing and promoting your pizza shop, purchasing supplies and food stock, and so on.
Remember that your end goal it to serve excellent food and excellent service. These two aspects are essential to your success. If your customers are pleased with your food and service, they will surely return to your pizza shop for more.
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(1) How do you make the dough? Do you use a machine?And how do you make it taste good and be cost efficient?
(2) What equipment do I need?
(3) I want a sit down or take out restaurant serving by the slice and by the whole pie.
(4) What is the best way to start off as a pretty small shop?
(5) I will be in a area with lots of foot traffic any tips on what to attract people even more?
Please email me at Thank you
- Place to rent average monthly payment.
- What permits are needed and how much is cost Average CANADA WIDE.
- Monthly average Cost in Flower, Sauce, Meat...
- Average Cost of new equipments or Used...And is used pizza equipment are a good thing to start with??? And the maintenance do they brake often???
Please this is the information WE NEED WHEN WE ASK ABOUT A PIZZA PLACE TO OPEN, Thank you for the hints yet this article dose not answer the main QUESTION OF MONEY HOW MUCH IT COST THE MIN AND THE MAX IN CANADIAN DOLLARS PLEASE... Thank you all
- Employees are going to be the biggest issue. When you first start out be prepared to work alot! Unfortunately you'll be dealing mostly with teens and young adults. Be prepared to go through a lot of them. You are not their career job, you are a stepping stone in their life, so they are going to come and go. When you do find a good one treat them well and pay them well. If a real good employee who has been with you a while does something wrong, say they ate something and didn't pay for it. Are you going to fire them for that infraction? If they are a real good employee all the good they done should out weigh this one bad item. Think about things through and through before you make a decision. You may go through 10 more people before you find another like them.I have 2 employees, a driver and a cook that have been with me since day one!.
- Location, location, location! Ive seen some pizza shops over the years move into bad locations where customers can't get in and out easily. It may seem insignificant but it does matter. Try and locate where you can be seen. Also when picking a location, for example. My brother opened his shop in a location that formerly was a pizza shop, mine also was also a former pizza shop. He had all the duct work still in the ceilings and running out the back to the exhaust. Mine was missing and I had to spend $11,000.00 to have it installed. That's alot of money. So when hunting for a spot and your lucky enough to know someone in the business take them with you. Their opinion is very valuable. Just don't ask them if your thinking of locating in their area, your the competition.
- Product. You are either a cheap inexpensive pizza or a quality pie with quality ingredients. There really is no middle of the road. Its extremely hard to compete against the national pizza chains. You don't have their money and your not going to get your product for the same price that they pay for theirs. Plus, most people don't like the national brands. They all lack real pizzeria taste. Everything they buy is premade, pre-cut, and frozen. It's not fresh and made in store and that will be your biggest advantage. We cut and blend our cheese, we make our own pizza sauce, we make our own dough, we buy our produce our self and prep all of our vegies. We slice our own lunch meats for subs, cook our own steak for subs etc. The only items that are frozen in our store are our appetizers. People will notice a difference and like they say, you get what you pay for.
- Advertise. I advertise evry week. I believe in 9 years I only missed 2/3 weeks. I believe its very important. The more pizza shops in your area the more you better be advertising. Also don't spend evry dollar you have and open up with no money in the bank to pay for bills. When I opened I had $5,0000.00 in the bank. Your first food delivery will be huge and after you filled the shelves you may have to write a check immediately until you develope a relationship with your vender. That check could easily be $4,000.00! One last thing. Don't think for even a second this is an easy thing to do. If you have alot of food service experience you know what I'm talking about. If you don't spend you money on real estate. I look at my shop as a living and breathing entity. My pizza shop dicates to me what it needs and my job is to deliver. Food, employees, bills, everything. Its kind of like a child an as a parent you have to look out for it. It can't do its self. These items are valuable pieces of information, good luck in your adventure!
One last thing. Partnerships don't work. Go it
Pizza Business Consultant || Pizza Shop Consultant
Pizza Business Consultant || Pizza Shop Consultant
@joy, Freshly prepared ingredients taste better as compare to frozen products even with an accurate scale of each products. I'm working with only fresh products and taste better as compare to frozen one.
Pizza Business Consultant || Pizza Shop Consultant
@Joy, fresh ingredients don't mean only with vegetable and pizza dough, you can have a mozzarella, meat. If you want some recipes then I can give you my website and you can check some recipes with 95% of un frozen products. Do you think that fast food chain use fresh vegetable? Base of a good quality pizza is with dough, fresh mozzarella and tomato sauce and basil leaf. I am on a project to open a Italian pizzeria in india (delhi).
Pizza Business Consultant || Pizza Shop Consultant
Pizza Business Consultant
1)best quality product
2) excellent service
3) brand your image
if your pizza recipe tastes good to customer then make sure that you serve each and every order same taste pizza. this is very important in pizza business this is the best action plan. And for quality pizza you can use conveyor oven(middle by marshall or lincoln impinge) for best quality pizza this oven are costly but try for used on good condition oven. if you need best pizza dough use heavy duty dough mixer (Hobart dough mixer) and last about pizza training, I think not use full-time better work in any standard pizza shop and get some useful ideas ...Good luck || Pizza Shop Consultant || Pizza Shop Consultant
Pizza Business Consultant
@girish, u r in canada and i'm in france. normally fresh pizza base require 320 degree of temperature and there is a big difference between real mozzarella and mozzarella used by fast food chain like pizza hut . actually they r not using the mozzarella but an artificial cheese and in france we call it as protein of cheese. to have a good proportion on ingredients , all ingredient you put on pizza including tomato and mozzarella should not exceed 1.5 time the weight of your dough.
@sachin, sachin, i'm coming to india very soon and i'll call you.
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Pizza Business Consultant
Pizza Business Consultant || Pizza Shop Consultant