Rural Business Opportunities
Rural Business Ideas
When it comes to choosing some rural business ideas, you have to find those products and services coming from the rural community. More people want more of these products as modern technology now easily connects every business. So first of all, choose the business ideas you're familiar with.
Some examples are nature tourism or agriculture tourism. Other fast growing industries include eco-farmed products or your typical country bed and breakfast accommodation.
Top 5 Farming Ideas for South Africans
Farming activities have also been more common in South Africa for its dual agricultural economy. Subsistence-based production and commercial farming have also been developed in the rural areas. Due to the farming activities in South Africa, it is selling more agricultural products in the local and world market.Eco Friendly Farming Techniques
Eco friendly farming techniques are proven to be useful and beneficial to most farmers. The use of farming techniques has its benefits not only to the environment but to the economy and most farms in different countries.Kapenta Fish Farming Tips
Karpenta fish farming is a commercial livelihood to people and is a viable solution for them to get supplement income. If you are interested to start this fish farming, there are ideas that can guide you all throughout.Kangaroo Farming
Kangaroo farming is essential as it helps as a source of livelihood to many people and it aids to reduce global warming. For people who are interested on kangaroo farming, there are many ideas to learn on how it helps.Start a Rice Pulling Business
If you wish to start this business, make sure to be aware of the rice-pulling gangs which are operative throughout the country. You must be mindful of how to wrap the rice puller if it is small and if it is significant.Harmful Farming Practices
Farming plants and animals regardless of the type is one of the most promising ventures these days. This is especially true if you are living in countries where agriculture is one of the primary sources of living.White Pig Farming Tips
A lot of people are dreaming to find a business with rewarding results. If you have a wide-ranging barn yard, then dealing with white pig farming is your best choice.Grapefruit Cultivation
Grapefruit is just very easy to cultivate. There are just simple tips you need to know under grapefruit cultivation. If you are aware of these things, you can taste the best grapefruit ever.Gooseberry Farming
Gooseberry farming can be a very profitable venture. This is especially true these days wherein there are lots of gooseberry products being used.Hazelnut Farming
Hazelnut has long been used as a component of some products such as coffees and sweets. You can also find so many commercialized products which make use of hazelnut. This implies that hazelnut farming can be a promising venture for you.Advantages of Indoor Pig Farming
Aside from the fact that indoor pig farming is a form of lucrative business, there is also lots of advantages of indoor pig farming that you will benefit the most. Surely, you are among the people who will find this business really promising.Ginseng Farming
Ginseng farming requires proper knowledge. Utilized in herbal treatment for how many years, ginseng farming profit still fetch thousands and thousands of dollars and ginseng farmers can harvest larger numbers utilizing the wild simulate way.Ginger Root Farming
Ginger root farming is very simple and can even become a lucrative business when you know the most essential things that need to be considered. Similar with farming other herbs, the success of your venture will greatly depend on how you took care of your plants and if you have followed the proper way of cultivating them in order to produce more crops at the end of the growing season.Gypsum Organic Farming Tips
The gypsum organic farming is becoming more popular these days. Gypsum is usually used by the farmers in order to loosen the structure of soil. The great thing is that Gypsum is not that expensive and it is very easy to spread if needed.Starting a Clementine Orchard
Clementines are a variety of mandarin oranges which are first discovered in the orphanage’s garden, by the late father Clement Rodier. These fruits usually grow from the month of November until February, as they are commonly known as Christmas oranges.Blackcurrant Farming Guide
Blackcurrant farming is common these days due to the many health benefits that blackcurrant offers. It is a fruit crop that can be found in the northern and central Europe and in the northern Asia.Damson Tree Cultivation
Damson tree is a small tart plum that is used in baking and cooking. Its great significance encourages farmers to have it in their yard or farm. Out of simple cultivating procedures, you can accumulate huge money by selling its fruits.How to Farm Onions
Onion farming is a good idea if you have unused land in your backyard. Perhaps, this crop does not attract the attention of many people yet it supports a million lives specifically children who help in the planting process.Yabbies Farming
Farming yabbies is a good option for starting a business. Effective management techniques are the key to become successful in the industry.How to Farm Truffles
Truffles are all-time favorites around the world because they are so delicious. If you want to be a successful businessman, you can try to build a truffle farm.How to Farm Frogs
Many people all over the world engage in frog farming. This kind of activity can be a start of business venture.How to Farm Titanium
Titanium is one of the commonly used items bid for auction in WOW house.How to Start a Small Farm
Were you raised in a rural lifestyle? If you have passion when it comes to growing crops and talking care of livestock, then you can have your small farm of your own and make use of it as a means for you to earn big.Quail Farming
Do you love quails very much and can you see their potential to generate a high amount of profits in the market? Then why don?t you start your own quail farm business? Aside from the money which is your initial capital, you must also have know-how on how to administer a small quail farm.Starting a Mini Farm
Today, corporate jobs which are related to technology are much more given emphasis by people because they expect of earning higher salary.How to Start a Hydroponic Farm
If you are unaware of what hydroponic farming is, then it is a farming process that lets you grow your plants even without soil. It depends on the liquid instead of the soil for it to be provided with nutrients that the plants need.How to Start a Crawfish Farm
Are you a fish hobbyist who entirely spent your childhood days in catching a crawfish? Then you may know everything about it. Now that you are a grown-up, you cannot just consider catching a crawfish a past time. In fact, this can be a very profitable business which you can venture into.Starting a Beef Cattle Farm
Starting a beef cattle farm is such a profitable business. If you are interested about this kind of business, you need to know the pros and cons for you to succeed.How to Start Backyard Farm
Nowadays, that price are rising in contrast of the lowering wages, it is a good idea to make use of the land in your backyard.Commercial Grain Farming in the USA
Commercial grain farming has qualified a sturdy escalation, assisted by vigorous demand from livestock industries and a boost in the utilization of grains in ethanol production.Pig Farming In UK
In the Unite Kingdom agriculture, pig commerce is a foremost zone. On the other hand, not like several other sectors, it does not bring in support from the state or the European subsidy.Starting a Cocoa Farm
The crop cocoa is produced in tropical areas that have been far and wide acknowledged as the beverage pick even prior to the discovery of coffee and tea. Cocoa being an essential requisite in the confectionery trade is a good item to grow business with.Watermelon Growing Tips
If you want to grow watermelon, you will need to know some great tips. Knowing the growth requirements will allow you to ensure the health of your plant. Choose a sandy land area with plenty of sunlight and water.Starting Hydroponics Business
Imagine growing a sizeable crop from a greenhouse instead of cultivating a vast track of land to harvest the same amount of produce. Wouldn’t it be amazing? That technology has now come in the form of hydroponics farming.How to Start a Cattle Business
Are you ready to build your own ranch and start a cattle business? Be prepared as we give you the pros and cons plus the helpful guides on how to make money in the cattle business and we are very sure that you will enjoy this rewarding and gainful business.Starting an Irrigation Business
If you want to start an irrigation business and you’re still not that experienced, you can start with the maintenance service.Cucumber Farming
If you want to start your own cucumber farm, you will need to find out the growth requirements of the plants. The vines love rich soil and prior to sowing, you must apply organic matter.Growing Chestnuts
In starting a farm of chestnuts, you should know how to distinguish the three kinds of chestnuts.Pomegranate Farming
Pomegranate is the general name for a small tree or rather a thorny shrub. These particular trees also bear fruits which are also referred to as pomegranate. Its fruits are edible, tart, and juicy. It has a distinguishing feature of fat solitary flowers with several stamens and pistils.Growing Muscadines
Muscadine grape is among the native plants in America. It is valued for its health benefits as juice, wine and fruit. This plant can be raised from vine cuttings or seeds.Growing Catnip
Have you ever heard about the perennial herb called catnip? It was observed that these leaves have a pleasurable effect on cats and it has also been used by humans for medicinal purposes.Aeroponic Growing
If you are interested in growing plants and vegetables, you might want to try the aeroponic growing. This is a method that does not use soil or water (hydroponics). You will need to purchase or create an aeroponic system where you will suspend the plant.Free Range Pork Farming
How much food does a pig consume? How quick do pigs breed? What do I need for free range pork farming? Is free range pork farming a profitable business?Growing Lychees
Not everyone becomes successful in growing lychees. The lychee trees need full sun and yet they can easily get damaged by the wind. Planting the trees out in the open will make them susceptible to wind damage.Starting a Snail Farm
Have you always planned of putting up a snailery? Here is a guide to help you get started on what breeding set up to build, what species of snails to raise, what soil to put them into, what food to feed them, among others.Start a Broccoli Farm
If you want to start your own broccoli farm, you will need to know the growth requirements. This is very important so that you can plant the vegetables at the right time.How to Make an Egg Incubator
If you want to hatch eggs from home, you can create your own egg incubator. You need consider factors like temperature control, humidity control, turning mechanism, and flooring.Starting a Coffee Bean Farm
If you want to earn money, you can start your own coffee bean farm. This is a great way to provide the local market with quality coffee beans. You can sell the beans fresh or you can dry them out.Growing Spirulina
A spirulina is a spiral algae that grows in fresh-water bodies. This algae provides different benefits.Growing Scallions
Scallions are called in many names, but one thing is sure, they are among the most sought after spice for raw and cooked food alike.Growing Tuberose
If you want to grow beautiful and fragrant flowers, you can start growing tuberose. This plant is ideal for warm weather regions. But don't worry even if you live in the northern areas because you can now grow it using the right planting techniques.Growing Pine Trees
If you want to grow pine trees, you have to make sure that you follow the right steps. A health pine tree is a result of proper planting. You have to meet the planting requirements and once you do, you can expect healthy trees that will mature in 35 years.How to Get Rid of Woodpecker
If you want to get rid of woodpecker, you have to start with the safest method because killing woodpeckers will mean a fine of $500. The bird specie is already a protected bird so you have to carefully get rid of them.Growing Chamomile
If you want to grow chamomile, this is really easy but you will need enough yard space or vacant land.Selling Petunias Plant and Seed for Money
Petunias are usually grown for their beautiful trumpet shaped flowers that come in many different colors including pink, purple red, blue, white and crimson.Growing Wine Grapes
If you want to grow grapes for wine production, you have to know some basics. Grapes grow well in well drained soil and warm climate. You should live in a region where there is mild winter and dry summers.How to Get Rid of Starlings
If you want to get rid of starlings, there are simple solutions that you can follow. You don’t have to resort to violence if the starlings won’t go away.Orange Farming Business
Probably one of the most consumed home fruit products is orange and you can tell it by the exerted effort of big food manufacturing companies to sell orange fruits in your household.Growing Medical Marijuana
If you are growing marijuana indoors or outdoors, you need to determine the growing requirements of this plant. Medical marijuana is permitted in some states although in some places, its use is still highly regulated.How to Start a Tea Garden
If you want to grow tea, it’s really quite easy. Ideally, the tea shrub can grow at its best in Zone 8 in the US but even if you live in another place, you can still grow Camellia Sinensis in a pot or in your greenhouse. You will need sandy and well drained soil.How to Grow Stevia
If you want to grow Stevia, you can make use of these tips. It can be hard to grow Stevia from seeds so you will have to look for starter plants. These small plants can be bought from the local nursery or from the gardens of a local herbalist.Growing Asparagus
It seems there is no reason why gardeners should not love growing asparagus. First and foremost this crop can last for 15 long years and more given proper care when growing them.Growing Raspberries
Raspberries is a favorite main ingredient for many food preparation and product and using them needs a lot of them.Growing Carrots
It seems not many knows the fact that carrot is the second preferred vegetable around the world next to potato. Knowing this important information gives you the idea that growing for commercial purposes carrots is something of a serious business with high financial reward.Growing Gourds
If you want to own a successful business, you can invest in growing gourds. These fruits are similar to the cucumbers and the squash family. Even the growing requirements are the same as that of squash.Starting a Figs Farm
If you are starting a figs farm, you will have to increase your knowledge about fig trees. Growing fig trees is easy as long as you know the growth requirements. You also need to have a large land area so that you can grow as many trees as you can.Olive Tree Farming
Olive tree farming is not that critical as you may think. With just the proper knowledge on proper treatment and propagation, growing olive trees will be as easy as the alphabet.Growing Shallots
Passion for planting can be more than a hobby and be transcended to a lucrative business. Shallots farming business will definitely be a profitable business that will only require small capital from you.Growing Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has a lot of medicinal help hence, starting an aloe vera farm is indeed going to be helpful especially in your community and much more, on prospering your business farm.Sweet Peas Farming
Growing sweet peas is definitely a profitable business to start. Bear in mind the need for rich soil, skills on growing techniques such as on treatment and maintenance, and knowledge on breeding different varieties to run the successful sweet peas farm.Growing Leeks
Leeks, generally, are easy to grow and are not in demand of too much attention. With the right knowledge on properly growing leeks, such as soil enrichment, seed maintenance, pest control, and employing harvesting techniques, it will definitely be easy to set up your leeks farm.Courgettes Farming
Growing courgettes is indeed an ideal venture especially for those who are new in farming business.How to Grow Sprouts
Growing sprouts follows a certain cycle that is needed to be followed accordingly to assure a good harvest and profit as well.Growing Fennel
If you want to start growing fennel, you can make use of these growing tips. When the plants are fully grown and ready to harvest, you can sell the leaves and seeds.Beetroot Farming
If you want to start beetroot farming, you should consider these tips. There are many things that you should learn and since commercial farming can be a bit expensive, make sure that you use these tips especially when picking the ideal location for the beetroots.How to Grow Rhubarb for Profit
If you want to grow rhubarb for profit, you should learn how to plant this amazing herbaceous plant. You simply need to follow the steps and in 2-3 years, you can now make some profits from your own home garden.Growing Bonsai Trees
If you want to grow bonsai trees and start your own business, you should know the bonsai’s beginnings. Learn the various techniques to grow bonsai trees. Some experts use cuttings but there are also those who grow the trees from seeds.Coriander Farming
If you want to start coriander farming, you will need to learn the basics of growing this plant. Like other herbs, coriander needs a lot of sun and the region where you live is a very important factor.Chili Farming
If you want to engage in chili farming, it would be best to learn the basics of how to plant chilies. There are some important considerations to ensure a successful chili farm.Starting Buffalo Milk Business
Is farming one of your passions? You better extend that passion into a profitable business.How to Start Ground Beef Business
Both fascination and lucrative endeavor makes ground beef business amazing. You get chance to explore typical initiatives. Take care of entire stuff through systematic planning. You will be approached of your varied taste and intention.Starting a Goose Egg Farm
Starting a goose egg farm is a noble business venture. Here are a few tips on how to be part of this noble profession.Start Your Own Spinach Farm
Certain factors are crucial in making spinach farming sought after. Some of you may like frozen greens in winters. You would feel the ascent and have momentous moments then. Happiness redoubles when you pick a bag and have fruits that literally get frozen by the time they are shifted into other places.Starting a Cabbage Farm
The balancing act is a must in farming. It is crucial when you start your cabbage farm for which ensure certain things and get them completed on time; ensure the list of farming-related works don?t remain pending. Planning and promptness lead to the path of success.How to Start Garlic Farm
Development in agricultural sciences has made garlic growing easier. Establish your garlic farm and turn it profit-making endeavor. Certain aspects are to be given heeding though. An important factor is preparing the soil for free draining. It shouldn?t be unnecessarily acidic.Planting Tomatoes for Business
Though looks unique but planting tomatoes for business is a profitable option indeed. Starters may grow tomatoes in greenhouses in the areas nearby home. Turn it a small farm and transform your hobby into small business. Get yourself prepared and find various categories of tomatoes if you are serious about planting tomatoes for sale.How to Farm Pumpkins
When you decide on how to farm pumpkins, and then you should be able to provide wagons to carry the pumpkins.How to Sell Farm Land
When it comes to selling the land, you should make a contact with the Land Directories which will provide a detailed information on how to sell farm land in a simple and effective way.How to Buy a Farm Land
Choosing as how to buy a farm land can be difficult keeping in view a large number of variables like weather, taxes, and competition both in the domestic and international market.Rural Business Enterprise Grant
It is a normal challenge for emerging business, especially nonprofit, to thrive and find funds in their work in the rural areas.Horse Drawn Farming
Benefits of horse drawn farming can be assessed better by having desired equipment to be used for this purpose. Manufacturing of such equipments has been done since long. They are in practice for several centuries.How to Start EMU Bird Farming
There is enriched history of 80 million years since when EMU birds resided in the Australian region and many other parts of the globe. As members of the ratite family of birds, such birds along with ostrich, rhea, cassowary, and kiwi make a great combination.Planting Lemon Trees for Business
Planting a lemon tree for business requires appropriate knowledge of the lemon tree- the type of soil it needs to grow and the climatic conditions.Starting a Cosmos Farm
If you are going to start a Cosmos farm you should be well aware of the requirements of the cosmos flowers. Only then it is possible to grow beautiful blooming flowers.Planting Gardenias for Business
Planting gardenias for business is said to be one of the most lucrative business. But this business requires a proper understanding and information of the gardenias.How to Prepare Soil for Planting
Testing soil for plantation is one of the first steps when you intend to grow anything be it flowers, vegetables or other trees. You need to be aware of how to prepare soil for planting.Starting a Horticulture Business
Are you planning of starting a horticulture business? And probably become one of the best horticulturists there. What do you need to do and how are you going to do it?How to Start Rice Business?
Rice is the staple food of several Asian countries. Suffice it to say rice business is widespread in these countries.USDA Rural Development Home Loans
Talks regarding home financing usually are commonly known to be answered by real estate agents and mortgage loan professionals.USDA Import Permit
The United States, in its goal to protect itself from being infected by agricultural diseases that is bad for its economy and health of its people, created the need for USDA Import Permit.Starting a Pecan Farm
Starting a pecan farm is not only a good idea – it is a profitable one! These days, a lot of people are looking for pecan fruits and woods and you get to supply that demand if you have your own farm.How to Start Pistachio Farm
Why pistachio? Because this is one of the nuts that will give you unimaginable profits once you successfully start and run the business! Know how to own a pistachio farm now!Starting Own Almond Farm
If you want to start your own almond farm, you should pick an ideal location where the weather is good for growing almond trees. The soil should be well-drained and rich in nutrients to ensure maximum growth.
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