How to Find Oil Wells
If you want to find oil wells, you need to possess the right skills and knowledge. Geologists and geophysicists often collaborate to identify the best locations.
Make sure that you have extensive contact with a reliable source and find out how you can locate the oil wells.
Are you interested to find oil wells? This is a serious undertaking and you should know a great deal about the industry before going further. Well, you’re lucky if you accidentally found an oil well because this can lead to large profits but this isn’t always the case. There are some things that you should know to make the search worthwhile.
On Petroleum Geology
Gas and oil will accumulate in large quantities when certain geologic elements are present. Among these elements are the following:
- Source rock that is organic-rich
- Reservoir rock where the petroleum can accumulate
- Trap to prevent leakage
The traps can be found in foreseeable places like beneath unconformities, updip pinchouts, near faults, and atop anticlines. Geologists do not merely look into surface data but they also check the aerial photographs obtained from satellites. These professionals deal with seismic lines and in collaboration with geophysicists, the geophysical data are analyzed and interpreted.
Prospectors of oil/gas are now using high-tech tools to locate the reserves. Statistics reveal that around 82% of the drilled sites are ‘dry holes’. This fact reveals that there is too much risk once you decide to enter the oil industry.
Finding Data on Well Production
You will need to check with the concerned oil and gas office in your area. This is where you can find relevant data that you can use in your search for oil wells. You can also contact operators within the industry for the latest figures. You should have a thorough understanding of the rights of the surface owner. With all these things to look into, your search for oil wells will not be very easy.
The process of identifying a place where the oil wells are located is called prospecting. Geologists are often in field work but when they are in the office, they study thee drilling records, core records, and well logs. To find the oil wells, the professionals construct cross sections and maps. This will help them in pinpointing the ideal spot to start drilling.
Most geologists cover a particular area and when other companies are able to uncover something, he has the right to know. These professionals are always after potential drilling sites. It is not enough that an oil well is found. There are other things that the geologist has to examine like the trap type, the sedimentary rocks’ composition, porosity factor, and if the hole has high pressure.
It would be impossible for an inexperienced person to locate an oil well. Check with the experts and you will learn a great deal of information.
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