The US Congress has created NIH SBIR Grants to help small companies get on with their business research. There are many already who have gotten this grant and you may be the next beneficiary of it if you will follow these simple tips.

The US Congress created a law mandating all federal agencies that do research to allocate a portion of their budget for small businesses pursuing the same goal.

This is the reason for the creation of NIH SBIR Grants. SBIR stands for Small Business Innovation Research.

There are many small business companies that have already applied and received this helpful fund for their own business research and the only question now is how one can apply for this grant and get that approval of the governing body. Below are some helpful tips on how to prepare your application and raise your chance of earning the NIH SBIR Grants.

First Move for NIH SBIR Grants Application

One of your first tasks is to know the institutional support that is available for your research. It is also advisable for you to broaden your vision far beyond what you have as a student. The need of mentoring on this task is also necessary so you can know the basics whether your idea is saleable.

The Work Proper for NIH SBIR Grants Application

Of course it is needed that you have a good idea to sell so you can get an NIH SBIR Grant. When you have a good idea, you can start generating preliminary data and this you can do by establishing yourself as an independent investigator. You may also enlist collaborators in your undertaking. While doing this, you can also check out proposal used by other applicants so you can have a good idea what basically you need to put in your own proposal. You can also contact the NIH website and other online sources for tips and other useful information.

The Writing Process of NIH SBIR Grants Application

It is good if you start the writing of your proposal as early as possible. This way you will not rush your proposal and commit mistake. It is also necessary for you to do your homework by reading literature about your idea and the controversies inherent in it if there are some. When writing you proposal it is also better if you set a timeline on how and when you can start and finish on each task. This way, your priorities for you NIH SBIR Grants application are clear. In the process of writing your proposal you will face some pitfalls and potential problems for your idea and you can solve it right then and there.

1 Comment

  • JAE said on July 3, 2011
    There are deadlines for submission to the NIH SBIR grant. How long does it take to get the approval and actual award? Is it possible to start operation of the company after approval/reward?


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