Pineapple Farming Tips
Pineapple is very abundant in tropical countries. They contain vitamins and minerals essential to a man’s body to keep him healthy.
Starting your own pineapple farm will require more effort and dedication.

Starting Your Own Pineapple Farm
Pineapple has many by products. It can produce different kinds of products that are very much needed by the people. It can be made into jam, juice, vinegar and other different food types. It can also be made and processed into a high quality cloth. You will never leave a waste if you use pineapple. Its covering and other waste coming from canning may be used as livestock feeds.
Things You Need To Know about Farming
The soil and climate is essential in starting your pineapple farm. It is known to grow in tropical countries. These pineapples need a mild and relatively same temperature all throughout the year. It even needs an even rainfall for its growing needs. This kind of fruit is grown well if there are enough sources of light and water. It should be in the mild level. Anything that is too much is bad for these pineapples. That’s why it is perfect to grow in an area like those in the tropical countries. Pineapples are ideal to grow in elevated soil particularly in dry soil.
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The planting materials you will need will be the slips as well as suckers. Slips usually bear fruits within an average time frame of 18-20 months. These should be acquired 6 to 8 weeks after it was harvested.
To prepare the soil for planting, one thing you should do is to determine when the perfect time to plant pineapples. There are different perfect times to plant pineapples in different tropical countries. To do slips as well as suckers, you must plant them 8 to 10cm deep in the soil and put 80 to 100cm distance in between these slips and suckers. This way requires a space of 25-30 centimeters in a line, 50 centimeters in a two line and 100 centimeters between two lines rows. This may produce around 44,000-53,000 plants for each hectare.
Weeds have always been a major problem in big plantations. There is a way of getting rid of them. Getting rid of them may be by hand pulling or using a hoe. These weeds are used to preserve moisture. You may use herbicide. The diuron is the most commonly used herbicide. It is used at 6.4 kilograms active ingredient for each hectare. Immediately spray after planting. Reuse after two months to prevent the growth of weed. Never use herbicides, which might be poisonous to the crown of the crop. When harvesting, get rid of the leaves from the fruit’s bottom. Put harvesting containers in the last part of the farm rows. Make sure that the containers do not include any rough or sharp projections inside. In addition, those intended for the markets that need fresh fruit must not be loaded in trucks and jeeps without putting them first in the boxes.
When harvesting, Smooth Cayenne’s shell colors are normally utilized in identifying the different stages of the maturity of the pineapples. Through this, you will know that you are ready for a good harvest.
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- We are starting a pineapple farm and found this piece very useful and important.One of three fruits variety we want to farm. The farm is known as AP & P Farms and located in Igabi LG,Kaduna, Nigeria. Already processing/packaging outfit has reached advanced stage. AP & P stands for Apple, Pineapple & Pawpaw. We shall be please to receive any other assistance.
- Thanks for the information on the on pineapple. I am in Tanzania Dar es salaam East Africa.I am planning to invest in pineapple farming could you please advice on the type of irrigation suitable for 50 Hectare farming and how long does it take. it is ready for harvest and any other information that you believe is of importance. Thanks in advance. Tito.
- my name is tedimaiye animashaun, i hold masters in business administration. i am interested in starting pineapple farming, kindly guide. thanks tedimaiye
- i wish to start pineapple plantation in oyo state nigeria pls give me the guide.for beginning of two acres.
- I intend to start my pineapple farm January, 2012 @ Etung L.G.A, Pls, do keep me posted of all relevant info. Thank you.
- Experimenting with pineapple farming in Ohuba, Owerri...combining on same acreage with young oil palms. Need advice on timing, optimal plant population, storage and marketing. Thanks.
- i am in tanzania dar es salaam and my farm is located in bagamoyo- about 60kms from dar es salaam. i am planning to start pineapple plantation by 2012. please assist with any relevant information that will be useful in the initial stage. also, please provide me with contacts of persons involving in pineapple plantation in tanzania, if you have any. thanx
- Thanks for your write-up on pineapple farming tips. I intend starting pineapple farming on about 30hectares of land somewhere in Ijebu,Ogun state part of Nigeria. I will appreciate if you forward information that could assist me in taking off. I also want to know if i can combine any other plant with it. Thanks
- i see this piece as useful in the production of pineapple, presently i have 8,000 pieces of pineapple plant @ ilesa in osun state. i could not apply fertilizer to it due to non- availability. pls, can you tell me what to do in order to achieve maximum output. yours tunde Ilesa
- I saw your tips on starting a pineapple farming, have just gotten the idea of pineapple farming from a friend and i wish to start up one in Uyo Akwa Ibom state capital of Nigeria. Please i need more advice on how to make this a success. Thanks.
- I appreciate your write up on pineapple farming. I intend establishing a 3 hectare pineapple orchard somewhere along Ibadan-Abeokuta road in Oyo State. I would be glad if i can be furnished with relevant information needed for the establishment of such farm. Thank you.
- your write up on pineapple farming is indeed very elucidating and i sincerely appreciate you. I am desirous of starting a pineapple orchard in Oyo State, S.W. Nigeria in January of 2012 on two acres of land. Pls. furnish me with a list of contact persons involved in the same venture if available and is it possible to plant other crops with pineapple? Thank you and God bless.
- helo. i am very thankful for this post about pineapple farm. I am interested in any more information you have about planting on my a plot of land i wish to purchase and grow in Oyo State with several friends. please let me know if you have great success any tips. thanks
- i am pineapple farmer. can u help me to make it sweet
- I have developed much interest in pineapple farming and i intend to start with two acres of land acquired in Badeku village, Ona Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State. I will appreciate whatever assistance you can offer as regards planting materials nursing/handling, harvesting and marketing. Thanks.
- Am a farmer planting pineapple in igbajo in boluwaduro local govt of osun state am about expanding my farm by 20 000 sukers pls can U????? advise ?? ?? marketing ????? any other assistance U???? give me .thanks
- Pls I want to go into pineapple farming. May I know if pineapple can grow in kauri lag of kaduna state. Thanks.
- I am Tanzanian residing at Mkuranga District I am very much Interested in Pineapple Farming, I'Ve no Literature about the product especially concerning the best type suitable in my area and other conditionals. Please help T
- I am specially impressed when I read through your article on pineapple farm establishment, kindly enlighten me it could be grown in a tropical area like Kwara State, Nigeria. Thanks
- Which species of pineapple is the best to plant.
- I appreciate your tips. I'm from Imo State, Nigeria. I have one hectare of land in my state and i want to use it for pineapple plantation. What are the requirements and the approximate cost of input including labour.
- Thank you for the informative informations, I'm planning to have this pineapple plantation in Corcuera, Romblon, Philippines and please advise if there are seminars to undergo before pushing this initial plan. Appreciate your kindness
- Thank you for your information. I have 11 plots of land in Rivers State in Nigeria and intend starting a pineapple plantation. What are the requirements and the approximate cost of of starting.
- Tank you for the information provided, I am planning to start my farm of 5 acre in Ogbomosho. what is the requirement and the cost of operation.
- we are servicing company in oil and gas industry in Nigeria located in Lagos. we undertake supply of Emulsifier for farmers.we discovered that you people are into orchard farming while going through your web site. we have such chemical in stock at moderate price and safe delivery. mail us thank you NJOKU PURCHASING OFFICER, CODED GOLD OIL & GAS SERVICES LTD Moblie-+23408188817017, office-+2340858416849,+23408102481559
- Kua Investments Ghana is located in Accra, Ghana. Currently we are into maize production but we want to go into pineapple farming(MD2 variety). Please kindly help us with information on the whole pineapple farming business from planting to harvesting of the fruits. Thank you.
- pls i want to study how to plant pineapple farm in mali. i will be very happy if you can help me . thanks bou nicodemus, bamako mali
- I am a student at University of Abuja. I want to know if Abuja weather can grow pineapples.
- Dear Sir(s). I'm an agronomist and the general manager for a Portuguese company of a Fruit&Vegetables project in the province of Malanje, Angola. We farm a property of 700 Ha and our current customers are demanding pineapple for fresh consumption. I wonder if you're able to provide some consultancy advise on this matter ? Which varieties you advise for fresh consumption and where could we source for certified plant material? At this early stage we are looking at establishing some 4 hectares of pineapple and i'm open to trial different varieties you may feel are worthwhile. I'm only familiar with Cayenne and Queen pineapples. Thanks for your attention and hope to hear back from you soon. Best regards, Yours sincerely, Sérgio Nicolau
- Thanks for your good information about pineapple farming, i expect to start small scale pineapple cultivation soon, please kindly help me information is it possible to use composite manure instead of industrial manure in the pineapple farm? I am in Kisarawe, Coast Region in TANZANIA
- I intend to make pineapple farming a part of my venture into the agric world. Do you have more tips? The location of this farm will be within the Owerri Imo state axis. I also need the services of an experienced farm hand who can work with little or no supervision. pay rate will be juicy (Applicant must be ready to take responsibility)
- I have started a pineapple farm all with the crowns so i would like one to advice me on how to expand my farm to a tune of at least 50,000 plants. I need a support on this to earn a living. I live in nigeria (benue state) +2348085480470 +2348052419748
- I'm from Tagaytay, Philippines. I'm interested to use my 3,000 sq. meters lot to start growing pineapples. Please send me information as to when is the perfect time to plant the pineapple suckers. thank you very much
- I am interested in retiring into farming. I was in Ghana and was involved in Pineapple production for export. I had a very good practical manual for pineapple production (I think from University of Ghana)but unfortunately I lost it. I will be very grateful if you can help me with any other useful manual. Thanks +2348038560814
- my farm is in omu eleni via ijebu ode in ogun state nigeria. it is pineapple farm. i need about 23000 suckers now, pls where can i get improved suckers of pineapple between now february ending
- I am planning to establish a pineapple plantation. Kindly assist me with necessary information to help me on suckers procurement and other practices. Thank you.
- I wish to start how can i get the sucker my farm is in ado ekiti,nigeria.
- no 1 ayedarade via ogotun ekiti, ekiti state nigeria. i have a very large quantity and quality pineapple
- I am planning to plant Pineapple in South Sudan Western Equatoria State. Please feed me with right information about the right type and time to plant in my region.
- I have a large number of bamboo trees on my 4-acre farmland in Egbeda LGA of Oyo state for sale. Need information about potential buyers within SW Nigeria.
- We are trusting God to start pineapple farm in 2013, but this will be tantamount to professional advice from you soonest. The farm is located in Suntai, village, Bali Lga of Taraba State Nigeria. Where can we get exotic suckers, chemicals for inoculation, etc. Thank you.
- hello my name is justine currently i am doing commercial pineapple production at bagamoyo Tanzania if you can link me with other growers in Tanzania for experience sharing +255769732635-thank you
- I am in Tanzania, Geita Region. I am planing to start farming Pineapple here in Geita. Can you please assist me with some more tips on farm preparation, planting, weeding and harvesting.
- Country -Mauritius. Experience-Long experience in pineapple plantation Needed:5000 pieces of suckers of Cayenne variety as soon as possible.
- Dear Sergio nicolau, I am Lotun Satyadeo from Mauritius. I can supply fresh pineapples in large quantities as per requirement.
- Hi, My friend advised me to go into pineapple farming because I have plot of land in Nigeria just lying idle. Please could give me some tips on how to succeed in this venture. Thank you
- I'm a young graduate of crop production. There is this pineapple project am called upon to manage at Edo state, Nigeria? concern is that I don't have much knowledge about what I can use the bye-product of the pineapple for since we do extract the juice and processed. Pls kind inbox me on 1, what I can further use the shaft for and 2, what I can intercept with the pineapple on d field
- i'm a fish farmer in Ilorin kwara state, i thank you for your write up. i'm planing to start a pineapple farm in offa kwara state. my problem is how do i mass reproduce the sucker for planting or where can i get the sucker in large quantity. i will be very glad if you or any body with useful info can contact me through -;08038545462 or e-mail -;
- am just started farming pineapple here in binangonan,rizal pls give me an additional tips how to farm pineapple. thank you
- thanks for the information, I have just stayed my pineapple farm in Ghana n I finds this very educating.
- i am from tanzania thanks for your information is real helpful but i need more detail about pineapple management such as there is necessity of putting suckers to the nursery before you transplanted them to the field.
- thanks for this information i am starting to grow pineapple in my small farm, will try if this will be a good additional livelihood for retirees like me.
- I seek to know the various things i need to invest in when it comes to pineapple farming; for someone planning to manage about 20 arces of land.
- Thanks so much for your tips, I have just harvested my 2 acre farm, it was a cool deal. Am in Ghana. Now, I need an investor to partner me go into commercial production. Suitable land for cultivation is in abundance. Please can you link me to any interested investor? My email address is, tel. +233509180981. Thanks.
- Thanks for your write up. I want to start a pineapple farm in Ogun State though I only have four plots land to start with. but my problem is how do I get the sucker in large quantity. I will be very glad if you or any body with useful info can contact me through 07051190929 or e-mail
- hi there! need mass pineapple suckers for grand scale production in tanzania? or you want to start new pineapple farm? it is quite simple contact me 0769 732635, 0687419781, email please connect me with those who are genuinely interested
- Pls I want to start a pineapple plantation on a plot of land. I'm in IMO state Nigeria... thanks for your advice and info.
- I am in Ota Ogun state of Nigeria. Thanks for your tips on pineapple farming. I have 7 acres to plant here and 15 acres available in Epe, Lagos state towards the other end of Ogun state. What size of land is commercially viable for this project? Thanks
- Dear Sir/Madam, We are the Wholesale suppliers for Pineapple, Black Pepper, Cardamon, Cloves, Nutmeg, Mace, Garcinia Cambogia, Palm Jaggery, Palm Sugar etc...If any one interested contact us. Thanks & Regards, Eju Mathew, Mob: +91 93438 41991, Email Id:, Bangalore, India
- I am in kaduna state of Nigeria. I want to start growing pineapples, can anyone please give me some advise how to grow it best? Thanks
- I would want to know how many stands that a plot of land can accommodate.
- We supply plants of black pepper,clove,caradmom,cinnamon,rubber,pineapple,long pepper,bay leaves etc at cheap price. +91 8720884686
- Sir, I intend grow pineapple orchard in large quantity and I have 300 acres of land near lagoon. Can it be used for the purpose?
- Thanks for your post. Pls can you help me with more information on pineapple farming in jos, plateau state. And also information on where I can get pineapple fruit in very large quantity. Best regards
- farming process i mean. Sorry for the error in spelling farming. Thank you.
- I am a Ghanaian working in the public sector of Ghana. I started a commercial pineapple farm recently in the central region of Ghana. I found your piece very useful and will be happy if further guidance can be offered me to help me apply the best farming methods in the farming process.
- hello sir, I am planning a start up of small scale pineapple plantation as trial over one acre of land. from where do I start my research and what tips and advise would you have for a small start up for that kind of plantation. warm regards
- i am a pineapple grower and i grow in small scale but i would to farm in a large scale. But due to inadequate of fund i cannot expand, so i need a loan or grant to grow much pineapples in Ghana, Techiman Distriut. For more. info or +233246123636
- My people are subsistence farmers. We have edible land.I want to start a pineapple business and maybe set up a pineapple factory to make pineapple product.Need your assistance
- Hi I am looking for procuring pineapples in large quantities from east Africa, please contact me if you have.
- Thank u so much for the tips. I have concluded plans to start pineapple farming in Enugu State please can u link me to where i will get hybrid suckers
- I am interested to plant pineapples on a small scale and I would appreciate if you could furnish me the know-how method to this farming. How to identify which type of plant is sweet one and what is the name of herbicide to use for the plant. Thanks for your assistance
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