Start a Graphic Design Business

Maybe you’re curious about starting a graphic design business, and would like to know what it’s all about. That is why you have stumbled across our article.

You are in luck as this article will answer all the questions you may be asking yourself regarding how you can start a graphic design business.

Businesses will always need designers. This is because companies will always need symbols, logos that will define their presence in the market. Every now and then, these logos are revised and even replaced just to fit in with the changing times. That is where a graphic designer is needed, to come up with new ideas or to propose changes to the company designs.

That is not only the sole responsibility of a graphic designer within the company. There is a wide range of possible jobs for you. If you are a graphic designer, you are in for a world of fun and money if you start a graphic designer business.

What One Needs to Become a Graphic Designer

First of all, you should be artistically inclined. You need to have some background in the arts, as well as brushed up on graphic designing software. Some companies do not require a fine arts degree in order to work as a graphic designer for them, but others do. To play it safe, a fine arts degree will work wonders for you.

To tricky part in being a graphic designer for companies is the marketing. You need to market your business aggressively in order to be noticed. You can start by making cold calls to the company, or pass around calling cards. No matter what marketing scheme you pursue, always take these tips in consideration:

  • You need to use a business name to make you appear professional and corporate. Most companies tend to look down on home-based businesses, so to make your business attractive pick a company name with which you introduce yourself as.
  • Always maintain a good portfolio and professional-looking marketing materials. The calling cards you use should be designed for a professional to make a big impression on potential clients.
  • Having contacts is a good and effective way of marketing yourself. Being a member of a business-networking organization will work wonders on your business marketing.
  • Keep yourself informed about your competition. Find out what their prices are so you can more or less determine the floor and ceiling prices, and can price competitively. Charging too high or too small will only mean disaster for your graphic designing business.
  • Create a website for yourself. Part of graphic designing is website designing. It isn’t difficult for a graphic designer to create a website, given that he has the eye for it. This website will serve as host for your portfolio and through which this portfolio is viewed by customers.


  • sachin said on April 26, 2010
    i have complete bbm i want start an small scale business of my own i knew advertise an web design and graphics 2d and 3d animation basically am from mumbai, india
  • Mohamed said on June 16, 2010
    I wanna start my own web design business. A rockstar Flash websites for Designers only. Alexandria, Egypt.
  • G.S.Prajapati said on December 13, 2011
    I am interested to work with Remote Sensing & GIS as well as Surveying. I have also a team of 5 experienced members and also have done many projects as a wender. Kindly contact me for this kind of any opportunity. Regds. G.Singh Mob.No. 971845887,9015036697
  • prakash chaugule said on June 28, 2012
    i want to start my own graphic design business. i will do all type graphic work. what i do. plz tell me
  • Remadevi PV said on November 25, 2012
    i want to start my own oil painting and graphic display making business in calicut region. i can do all types of graphic work. what i do. Kindly tell me


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