Starting a Cake Business
Do you find yourself interested in baking? Then you could be successful in starting a cake business. Read on for six easy steps to start a cake business!
Believe it or not, I love to bake cakes and cookies! The warm smell of cinnamon and ginger wafting through the air is enough to satiate my children’s raving hunger pangs.

Baking cakes is fun and with two children running around the house, everything I made was consumed in less than a few hours. Friends, who were lucky enough to be around at the time of baking, always raved about the cooking and urged me to start a cake order business. “We’ll pay to eat a much bigger slice of those exotic goodies”, was the common refrain!
Tips and trick on how to start a cake business!
So it was after serious thought, I decided why not really turn this into something profitable. The very first thing I did was to read up on how to start a cake business and here’s what I learned.
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- If I wanted more business, then I had to make sure my cakes and cookies were better looking, tastier, and yummier, than the local bakers. That meant regular new classes and newer recipes and my family as the guinea pig. But that’s the best way to be in demand, right!
- I tapped all those friends who were willing to pay for my goodies and then utilized them to get my business going by word of mouth publicity. I even got them to distribute flyers and discount coupons for my cake business!
- I then approached local cake and coffee houses for taking on my samples and selling my cakes. Although a few did refuse, many did like my products, and that gave me a tremendous boost.
- I contacted local wedding planners to show my cakes, show my ability for wedding cakes. Believe me a well made wedding cake can really get you going with the wedding planners! And through them, I managed to get referrals to several party organizers as well as event mangers.
- Free publicity always counts. In a bid for recognition, I sponsored quite a few local events and church fundraising activities, as well as offered free sample products to the local orphanage. This created really great exposure and word of mouth publicity free of charge!
- After a sufficient amount of publicity was generated using press releases, I decided it was time to keep the interest going and baked a really big cake for the local orphanage in the form of a giant cookie. The cake was cut and the proceeds went to charity. I had to spend a really great amount of time to do this but the publicity it generated was…………………….priceless!
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Please explain how you have gotten around this? I am so curious as I have started a cake business and of course am not doing it from any home. Please advise.
Jestin James
Startup Biz Hub - Senior Advisor (Staff)
and, yes, you absolutely need licenses if you plan on selling your product. here in ohio, you can bake in your home only as long as you have no pets. first you'll need a vendor's license, which is around $25-30, then you'll need a 'food license.' my license, because i own a convenience store, is called a 'retail food establishment license,' and since it's one that allows me to make food as opposed to just selling it, it costs roughly $450 per year to renew. and don't forget that you'll have to file sales tax on what you sell.
i'm just considering a cakery at this point, but it should be pretty clear what equipment you'll need just to make a cake. you probably have all that already, except perhaps for a cooler. my suggestion is looking into a used cooler at auctions or even outfitting a used single door pop cooler. there's no need to go crazy with equipment whose cost you can't justify. after that, decide what skills you have/want to learn and invest in mid-range equipment then upgrade as the situation warrants. some items, like a quality mixer, should just be purchased outright and not skimped on.
one thing i've learned in the food business is how to ruin it ~ when time's get tough, do NOT try to make up for lost income by raising prices and lower the quality of your ingredients to save money. you won't last long if you follow this sure-fire disastrous business method.
there's nothing in this article on how to start a business, just some promotional tips which actually aren't too bad, i think. starting up a small business is scary and expensive, stressful and time-consuming. i'd venture to say that anyone taking it seriously and not as a hobby to make a few extra bucks should seriously consider finding a brick and mortar building to work out of. no one is going to come to your house to shop and placing orders strictly online or over the phone has its limitations, particularly when it comes to something like cakes. maybe you can place some cakes in stores, but the chances of that happening are slim. don't take it personally, but as a business owner i'm reticent about selling a product whose business is run out of home and might close up next week.
@Kgomotso, there is enough money in bakery business to make your living from it. On your passion and dedication you can become rich from this business as well. People have done it in past so it is not a rocket science.
Jestin James
Startup Biz Hub - Senior Advisor (Staff)