Starting an Organic Garden

Starting your own organic garden is not that hard. There are just some considerations you need to do before you start. It is essential that you do this to be able to succeed in this kind of endeavor.

Here are the easy steps on how to start an organic garden.

Set your Goals

Before you even start cultivating your garden or before you plant a single seed, you should be able to know your goals first. You should be able to know whether you are hoping for a good planting bed or you are hoping for a vegetable or herb garden. These things are important because this will help you set up the goals you want for your organic garden plans. Remember that whatever your goals may be, the important thing is that those should be realistic. You really can’t succeed on anything if your goals are impossible. It should be realistic not idealistic. It would be very hard on your part to realize those goals if it were impossible to be realized.

Select the Site

Try to analyze your yard. Spend some time on your yard and analyze the site where you will institute your organic garden. The site should have enough space for you to place the plants well and that it will not be crowded. You should start observing your yard and see if they will work. If you are planning to have a vegetable or herb garden, the site where you will institute your garden should at least being exposed to sun for at least six hours per day. This is essential because vegetables and herbs need at least six hours of sunlight for them to be able to grow well. The drains should also be well enough to sustain the needs of your plants.

Create the Bed

If your site is all ready, it is now time to start digging. You must first decide on the size and shape of your garden. This may be done by laying down the hose and the proper adjustment of the size and shape you want. This is a good option for the beds in your garden with the curved borders. If you decide to have the geometrical bed which is a more formal bed, you can make use of a string and stakes to make the outline or just simply try to measure the size of the whole bed and mark the borders with paint.

Select the Plants

Selecting the plants for your organic garden is the fun part. Make your selection by going to the plant nursery and there you will start choosing which plant you are going to plant on your organic garden. There are plants coming from the plant nursery which were grown with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. These might bring some trace amounts on your garden so be very careful. You may also choose your plants from the plant catalogs. Organic plants and seeds are always being labeled as such so it will be easy for you to choose among these kinds of plants. The last thing you should do is to start planting these on your organic garden and then label them so that it would be much easy for you to identify them during the harvest season.


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