Wal-Mart to Slash Some 11, 500 Jobs at Sam’s Club

Wal-Mart, the biggest retail store chain in the world, announced over the weekend that it will slash some 11, 500 jobs at Sam’s Club after closing a deal with Shopper Events.

The acquisition of a third-party company is part of Wal-Mart’s business remodeling, which include passing its entire product demonstration to the new partner.

World’s largest retail store chain Wal-Mart Inc announced on Saturday that it will slash some 11, 500 jobs to its sister company Sam’s Club megastores, most of which are part-timers.

In an interview, Wal-Mart President and Chief Executive Officer Brian Cornell said that the mass layoff was part of the business remodeling being undertaken by the company. He added that the job cut will affect some 10, 000 employees or the so-called product demonstration associates.

Earlier, Wal-Mart announced that it has appointed the third-party marketing company Shopper Events to handle its entire product demonstration program.

“Despite the massive reduction in our workforce, we understand that Shopper Events, which is a third-party firm, will have to hire new workforce for the job units needed in order to accommodate this new business plan. We also expect them to hire roughly the same number of people,” Cornell revealed.

“All of those affected by the layoff will have equal opportunity to apply for the new positions available at the company. We will also make sure that they will be the priority in hiring,” he added.Wal-Mart announced on Friday that it will be closing down at least 10 stores under Sam’s Club, affecting more than 1, 500 jobs.


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