Backyard Poultry Farming
Starting a poultry business is definitely one thing that can give you a lot of benefits. Good poultry business means a steady flow of incoming cash. This is the very reason why a lot of us today choose to start our own poultry business.
If you want to start one of your own just inside your premises, it will be a nice thing if you are well versed when it comes to the aspects of backyard poultry farming.

Lately, the business involving poultry products is becoming a lucrative venture. The need for both meat and eggs has reached the sky simply because there is an increase in the different ways of using chicken eggs and meats in developing new products. This kind of market usually ranges from the meat shops, plants in food processing, hotels, restaurants, local market or even your neighbors within your community.
Why Start a Poultry Farm in Your Backyard?
The first reason why it is good to start your own backyard poultry farm is because it can help a lot in reducing the family expenditure of families when it comes to specific food items. It is also a good happy, a thing that will occupy you. It is also a good means to fill those gaps which cannot be covered by your regular paycheck. Family integration can also be achieved since tasks can be equally divided to the members of the family, involving each more and making the whole load much lighter. Backyard poultry farming is also important for the unemployed individuals since it can be a nice avenue in earning some dollars. And lastly, since it is located just in your backyard, you can attend to it easily on a schedule that best suits you.
Initial Steps in Poultry Farming
It will be helpful if you can ask a few questions in hotels and restaurants and find out how they get their supplies and inquire if your stocks can also be included for some occasions. Start good relationships with butches and ask your friends if they have connections to a market which needs the supplies.
Chicken Types
Now that you are aware of the market where you will deal with, this is now the time to decide on the specific number as well as type of the chickens that you will be needing for your farm. In case that you choose a market that needs eggs, it will be advisable to breed chickens that lay eggs. If the market target is more interested in meats, you will then need chickens that have good meats. There are chickens which produce meat better as compared to eggs and vice versa.
Space Consideration
Another thing that you must not fail to look into is the available space that you have in your backyard. This will serve as your guide in deciding on the size of the coop that you will build. You will surely not want to have a chicken coop that is overcrowded. Check out other farms for you to have a better insight on the coops’ sizes.
- i want to start a backyard poultry business after NYSC.In Minna, Niger State, Nigeria
- i want to start a backyard business at Rumuekine, Rivers State. how do i get loan finance?
- I wish to start up a poultry farm here in Ibadan,Oyo state. prefer to deal with layers for the eggs consumption, i need advise on how to start, the breed to start with, how to feed and inject them. i will be grateful if my request is given prompt attention
- Am currently planing a poultry business, and am looking at 500 chicken for a start layers to be precise. my questions are :can a plot of land of 120/60 be enough,what is the percentage of this chicken that is expected to lay. am in lagos and how much do u think i need to get them to point of lay.thanks God bless
- Newcastle, KZN, Republic of South Africa. I would like to start up a backyard poultry farming. I would like to know how I can do this.
- I am planning to start a Poultry business at my back-yard-what do i begging with. Lusikisiki Eastern Cape.
- Hi, I am planning to start a Poultry business. I have my 100 yards of spare land. I would appreciate if basic info can be share such as minimum capital required and other thing. Delhi, New Delhi, India
- My business location is in Ethiopia, 100 km far from Addis Ababa to the south west. I have about 10 hector of land for dairy, fattening and poulitary production. my constraint is working capital. what you advise me to overcome my problem and start my farm?
- I am living in Jamaica and has already started a backyard poultry business of 75 chickens , my problem is, i would like to extend the business. How to i proceed in doing so, and do you think it is a good idea being that i have just started? Thank you
- Hi, i am planning to stat a Poultry business, and i live in Hamanskraal, 100km from Pretoria
- Hi. I would like to start poultry farming of 500 layers.please advice also would like to make my own feeds also advice urgently
- I live in spain and l'm planning to go back to nigeria to start a poultry business of 1000 layers, please advice me on what to do, and the minimum capital required. Thanks and God bless you.
- I would like to start chicken farming at large scale. i bought a farm last year so i need finance to start the business in south africa free state.
- How much space is suitable for a start in chicken farming? And what is the best first step approach to business houses when marketing your chickens.
- Live in a farm, cookhouse Town, 120 km away from Port Elizabeth. planning to start chicken farming.
- Live in lagos, planing to start back_yard poultry business, pls I need information on how to start
- i am living in suriname i would like to receive all information about backyard poultry business
- hi i am imran shaikh from kalyan/thane/maharashtra/india i am having a place in chandwad taluka and i am going to start a poultry farm, dairy farm and pomegranate farming in that area, so i need ur help relating to above farm project report and government grant or subsidy on above matter, i also want related all information on above matter.
- We are planning to start Layer Poultry Farming near Bhongir ( Nalgonda ) Initially we want to start 20,000 birds LAYER FARMING. We already have land 3.5 acres.
- Dear, I have Saturated Poultry Farming , so I have No idea plus i want information How to Start? How to Business Grow? What I Do? For Start Business tell me about information i will cheek-out , I am From Satara in Maharashtra. Adityaa Belkar
- I really wish to start a backyard poultry farm and need some advice on how to start basically into layers. can someone help me please email me on
- Funding available for small scale businesses. Contact CSS Finance Silva sullivan on 704 307 2911
- Im from Baguio and I want to start backyard poultry farming but I cant afford to buy a lot for my poultry business.
- I would like to start a chinese Chicken farming business in Ghazipur(UP) India. I have no idea about this business. Please advice me where can I find knowledge and training about this business and where can I find equipment and others materials . Thanks & Regards
- Dear Sir, I want to start a poultry business with around 1,500 chicks in Bidar Dist Village mustapur and I have already 4 acres land for this purpose and I don't have any idea how to start it and how it will grow so pls help me to start my dream business...
- Hi everyone. My name is Isabell I live in the U.K and starting a Poultry business in Africa. I am a business consultant and love helping people succeed. If u need help plz feel free to email me on
- I am harpal from india , and i want to start my own poultry farm in 100 square yard land. you please tell me how many chicken should i keep in starting to have a 40000 INR per month income. what is starting capital needed and which chicken beat is good for keeping. for eggs which beat is good and profitable for meat which beat is good and any other details which you want to tell me so you are welcome.
- I would like to start poultry farming in Pretoria. I live at soshanguve, Pretoria. I would like to sell eggs as a means of income. Your assistance or advice will be appreciated. Regards, Maggy 0716229334
- Rayi location, rural area at King williams town in Eastrn Cape South Africa
- I would just like to keep about 4 chickens in my backyard (eggs for our personal consumption) what are the by-laws for keeping chickens in suburban port elizabeth south africa 6000
- Hi, i live in the UK at the moment but will be relocating to Accra Ghana very soon. I want to go into poultry framing and Possibly fish farming. But I will want to start small in the back yard till I get some experience and market for my product. Based on my research I found out it is more profitable to sell eggs than meet in the Ghana market. Because of cheap chicken meet importation from EU countries. Any advice for me?
- Please provide me complete literature for poultry farming (for getting meat what type of chicks, how many days old chicks, how many days/months required for getting meat, what type & daily quantity of feed stage-wise needed and what necessary vaccination? I hope that you will be e-mail me complete information about poultry farming soon. Best Regards, Tariq Ahmed
- Hi i would like to know where can i find both meat and egg producing chickens around Durban area in South Africa? I would also like to have names or types of each species.
- I want to start chicken business - for eggs and meat in Kakamega in Kenya
- i'm in Mpumalang, South Africa wants to start backyard poultry farming. how do i get funding and information. i'm planning for eggs chicken.
- I want to start a poultry business in braemar, kzn. Its a rural area with great potential. I have the land but don't have the funds. Please help with funding. Great opportunity to also create employment in that little town, which is much needed. Also to educate the locals on how to do business and run their own little farms to sustain themselves.
- I am Md Akif from india , and i want to start my own poultry farm ,i have enough land. you please tell me how many chicken should i keep in starting to have a 70000.00 INR per month income. what is starting capital needed and which chicken beat is good for keeping. for eggs which beat is good and profitable for meat which beat is good and any other details which you want to tell me so you are welcome.
- I don't have a comment but I want to know where I'm going to sell these chickens I am at idutywa eastern cape south africa
- am Chris I have national diploma in animal production and am interested in poultry production business so I want to start a poultry farm so how can I get a loan
- I live in lagos, nigeria. Just like everyone, i want to start a poultry farming. I will b happy for advice. Contact me via email:
- Dear Sir/Madam, We have started a community project and we are going to buy and sell live chickens then we need your help how to go about this?
- I want to start a backyard chicken business to go alongside my hydroponics gardening. How do I get funding, started? Thanks. I am in Leander, Texas near Austin. Need the best chicken for meat and eggs in this area.
- I have tried broiler farming once and did not see much of results due to the lack of knowledge and skills. Right know I would like to do it again starting with hundred chicks please can you advise me from the beginning of building a shelter, selecting a type of feeds. I am located at limpopo province in south africa
- I am in Matatiele Kwazulu Natal, I would like to start backyard poultry farming I am interested in both eggs and meat chickens I do not know what type of chickens must I start with, feed and how must my shelter look like. I do not have experience for chickens .
- I am Sasolburg Free State, I would like to start backyard farming in both eggs and meat chickens I don't know what type of chickens must I start with feed and where to find them
- I am a proudly young Aspirant Farmer,a South African from Limpopo province at Ga mphahlele Seleteng. I am currently running a backyard broiler project, which we rear 1000 birds per cycle, the project is fully registered and we have our own land to expand our business. My project was being nominated to take part in Aspirant Young Farmer of year 2012, which i took 3rd position from Capricorn District Minicipality, unfotunately i didnt make it through to provencial level. The project is in need of capital improvements basically, to expand poultry houses in order to have access to markets.
- hello everyone, I am Sherry, I can supply you with good quality and low price chicken equipment, anyone interest, pls email me or thank you
- I live in ikotun,lagos,nigeria. i am about to start poultry farming, pls guide me with information
- I live in Port Elizabeth, I want to start backyard farming in chicken and eggs. Pls guide me in where to go in order to do it the right way.Thank you.
- My Name is wildophe Christophe ,UI am looking for help to open a chicken farm in HAITI . I have experience in hatching ,in growing chicken . I just need some financial help.
- I'm in durban so i want to know where can i get chicken supplier, i want to start selling chickens in my community
- i need help with backyard farm business plan anyone with it send me and i will try to edit to suit my need. thanks
- Simply I have big land in sudan with water will, middle of sudan 100 KM from Khartoum city, I need some one willing to business together like ,farm or chicken supply. Thanks. Farid
- Do u offer training in poultry? Please i would like more information regarding poultry farming
- Hi, i want to start a poultry chicken farming in my backyard, where can I buy chicken layers? I'm in Port Elizabeth.
- Hi, we are looking for a business which will buy our chickens we are going to grow 7000 chickens our funder wants different letter of intents or contract, please help as time is against us.
- Hi, i want to start a poultry chicken farming in my backyard, where can I buy chicken layers? I'm in Nepal. Also I want to know the ideas for this business.
- Myself mahesh, & I want to start a poultry business so please tell me which poultry firm i can start with government scheme, Location-A/P-Deopur ,Tal-Sinner,State-Maharashtra.
- I am a member of co-op and we want to start poultry but we facing a challenge of market because all places we visited said they already have suppliers. Dudu South Africa ( Johannesburg)
- Hi there I am very interested in starting a small business in poultry. I just want to know where can I train for this because I believe I have to be informed and get a bit of experience somewhere b4 I can embark on this poultry journey. Plz refer. @
- kindly assist with a proposal to start up a poultry business. thank you.
- I have a backyard chicken farm. I sell to individual clients but need more funds to assist in improving and buying more day chicks for a big market. Thank you
- This is Della from Hebei Allround Wire Mesh Manufacture Co.Ltd. Our company manufactures professional poultry automatic equipment. We supply quail cages, Hatchery & Incubators, chicken cages, and poultry automatic equipment. If you have any require, Pls contacts us without hesitation. Skype:della.qi1., With best regards, Della
- I am very much interested to start up poultry business , kindly assist me, can I start poultry business in backyard? how much space for 100 chicken ? what type for legal formality?
- I am interested in poultry business pls sir help proper information
- I would like to start a Poultry business in Gadchiroli state mahahastra. Pls help,sir i will request to u sent me the mail as early as possible
- I want to start a poultry business in solapur district in Maharashtra. I need your guidelines please
- The best way of starting any form of business is to start the business. There is no advise in the world that can make you feel safer and comfortable that doing what all other entrepreneurs do, take that leap and get started.
- Hello if you need help with chicken farming. you can ask me questions email me or whatsApp me 0715466044 from Durban south Africa.
- hi, i would like to start a broiler chicken farming but i don't know the rightful feed to give to my chicken. please help me i'm in Namibia.
- Hi I need help, I want to start poultry in my backyard, the problem is I don't have funds to start my own poultry. help me plz.
- I'm master of the offshore vessel and I'm from Azerbaijan, I'd like to Quit my Job and start to the venture of Poultry business for the beginning wish to start with 2000 birds. for meat purpose only. I have enough land Backyard of course. I have money 25000$. i'd like to ask whether this amount is enough for starting or not enough. I need business plan and strategy for starting the business. Could you advise, please.
- I want to start a little egg laying biz but don't know where and how much is the equipment and hens.I am in port elizabeth.
- Any type of help in poultry .business call me 7301723221 ,i started poultry farming with 1000 bird, but now i sell 50000 bids every month, smart work more income. patna, bihar, india, any where in india call me
- Am at Pretoria and I have piece of land and am currently not working and I don't have sort of income I don't have money to start my own poultry farming business. What is needed to get found from government or a loan from the bank please help me.
- Greetings, I am planning to start a free flow real chicken farm for eggs n meat. For 500 birds what size of shed is required. Please help me...
- hi my chicken died and left the brooding eggs of fourteen day. how can i carry on with it to get the chicks without incubator?
- I wish to start a poultry farm here in Accra, Ghana. I prefer to deal with layers for eggs consumption. I need startup advise on how to start, the breed to start, how to feed and inject them. I will be grateful if my request is given prompt attention. Thank you.
- Good morning, Thanks for the write-up and the opportunity for feedback. I am running backyard poultry in a community in Lagos State but planning to make it bigger. However, I need knowledge of the laws guiding poultry establishment within living quarters(backyard poultry farming) in Lagos State, Nigeria, primarily as it affects the size and number of birds.
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