How to Start a Poultry Farm
Poultry farming has proven to be very lucrative; hence you might have been tempted to start one as a form of business and source of income.
This article will help you go through the steps and will teach you how to start a poultry farm business and get a share in the market.

Chickens are already an integral part of human life. Chickens are one of the major sources of animal meat, aside from pork and fish. As a business, they offer an opportunity for people to earn big that’s why there are many poultry farms out there. One of the major customers for poultry farms is the major fast-food companies, although some of them have their own chicken farms to supply their needs.
Don’t get behind the profits, and start setting up your poultry farms now. It is not hard to do so. Here are some useful tips that can help you along the way.
Get Financing for your Poultry Farm to Start Quickly
Setting up a poultry farm requires a lot of money, as poultry farming requires an expanse of land a hectare or more wide. You would also have to procure a large herd of chickens that are more than hundreds in number in order to generate the proper returns in income. Fortunately, you can avail yourself of loans that are offered to those that are starting or even those that are already in the business.
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The loans can be used to cover these aspects of the business:
- Start-up costs for the farm
- Construction expenses
- Animal feeds
- Operational expenses that need to be paid urgently.
It is also easy to apply for these loans, as there are lenders that can be found online aside from the local loan providers in your area. The terms and conditions of these loans can also be customized for your needs and your circumstances. You can also choose from secured and unsecured poultry loans. Some lenders will also offer you advice from experts on the poultry business, aside from the monetary aid that you will be getting.
Getting Your Poultry Farm Compliant With Regulations
Another important preparation is to comply with regulations. If you plan on engaging in free-range farming, then you have to make sure that the operations of your farm and the treatment of your chickens comply with regulations that are formulated for businesses like yours. Check with your local government agencies regulating laws and regulations promulgated for poultry farms.
Adequate Medical Coverage for Your Chickens
Chickens are just like your children and other animals. To ensure the continuous production of chicken and eggs, your chickens should be regularly checked by veterinarians to ensure their health. Sick chickens will negatively affect your production, so it is important to have adequate medical coverage for your poultry animals.
Q. How much floor space is required per chicken?
A. It depends on the chicken type. 3 sq ft is needed for light chicken and 4 sq ft is required for general-purpose chicken.
Q. How many types of chicken sheds are used these days?
A. Most popular ones are the cage sheds and floor sheds are the ancient ones.
Q. What is the shed area required for 10,000 birds?
A. 30,000 sq ft house is needed for 10,000 chickens, if you prefer a cage type of shed then the built-up area will be 4000 sq ft to 7500 sq ft depending on the type of cage you use in your poultry farm. The average space needed for a bird-in-cage type shed is from .4 - .75 sq ft.
This Video Explains, Steps Involved in Start to Finish of a Poultry Farm
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asharaf, kerala india
Currently, i am thinking about the poultry farm. I am working on my project paper on how to start a poultry farm. I learned a lot from your website. Please include what special equipment is needed to start a poultry farm. Thanks
Hi, I am planning to start a poultry farm with 4000 chicks, and I am new in this field, kindly advise me. imran nisar lhore
Cost - Feed (I believe is the key) for layers and pullet house, vet/medicine, Cost of chicks, utilities - do you have a rule of thumb to estimate that, like the cost of electricity per 100 hens?
- size-koop and field
- Who to get in contact with regarding selling
- breeding and hatching
thanks very much carl x
Thank you
thanks scott
Large fowl raised in a floor pen should be provided with at 1 square foot of space or more. Bantams could have lesser space. Perches also should be of correct height and width, 9 inches for large fowls and 6 inches for bantams. The width should be 2 inches.
How do I start a farm with egg houses?
Buy chicken houses or make chicken houses where the chicken can roost, lay eggs and take shelter. If you will build the chicken houses, make sure you follow the recommended structure and dimension. There are different floor space requirements depending on the size of birds you want to raise. There should be enough ventilation to keep the area dry and prevent the breeding of bacteria that could cause disease. Perches should also be of the correct width and height.
Choose the best chicken breeds for laying eggs. White Leghorn as well as Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire Reds are usually preferred. You can buy and raise chicks or buy ready-to-lay pullets. Raising birds require enough space per chicken, ventilation, balanced ration feeding, and lighting. For birds to lay the most number of eggs, you have to provide them more than 12 hours of lighting. Ventilation is needed to prevent bacteria from breeding and causing diseases. Provide nest boxes. For large fowls, make it 1 square foot for four birds, and eight inches square for bantams.
For egg cartons and boxes and poultry supplies for feeding, breeding and harvesting poultry, visit
What are the potential profits for a chicken farm?
For a business that can dispose of 1,000 broilers annually directly to consumers, can net more than $2.00 per bird.
Where do i buy my poultry house equipment like drinkers and heaters?
GQF Manufacturing Company has poultry and game breeding supplies.
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(a)Sourcing for funds to start "big" since it is not easy to access bank loan in this part of the world.
(b)Dont have the technical know-how to start the business
(c)What are the likely hitches/difficulties one may encounter in starting & during the course of the business
(d)What is the break even period for this kind of business
(e)What are the risk(s) in this kind of business. Thanks for your advice.
(a)Sourcing for funds to start "big" since it is not easy to access bank loan in this part of the world.
(b)Don't have the technical know-how to start the business
(c)What are the likely hitches/difficulties one may encounter in starting & during the course of the business
(d)What is the break even period for this kind of business
(e)What are the risk(s) in this kind of business. Thanks for your adv