Hohokam Farming Techniques

Latest Hohokam farming and irrigation techniques are best resources for maximum productivity. There is unique story behind it that Hohokam inhabitants resided in low deserts and isolated mountain localities where they use new farming technologies.

Long summers are common there without sufficient rain so are mild cool winters. Insufficient downpours required application of new farming technique. The region was erratic so new means were applied through connecting the river branches for irrigation.

Hohokam inhabitants occupied 45 000 square miles of northern Sonoran Desert near Mogollon Rim in the Mexico and at the east to Dragoon Mountains in Arizona besides Growler Mountains in western locations. As there is least rainfall in this region planting and harvesting crops was a big problem until new infrastructure was brought into use. Unique technique added value:-

  • Extensive resourceful canal system for irrigation
  • Best techniques used to produce maize, cotton, barley and amaranth, lima, beans, squash, tobacco etc.
  • Production of saguaro cactus fruit, cholla cactus buds, plantain, prickly pear pads, mesquite beans increased
  • Hohokam settlements also produced maize kernel produces

Latest Developments:

The findings of various researches done yet conclude that there has occurred a revolution in the Hohokam land-use today. Although they are dry lands but their productivity increased dramatically because of the application of new techniques. Hohokam did it several centuries ago which are repeated through sophisticated application of high-tech farming technologies and environment friendly options now. Today’s farmers adopt many sustenance strategies which best fit into certain environmental conditions for the extra productivity. Prudent use of resources minimize ecosystem damage.

Sophisticated farming and agricultural system brought into practice by Hohokam farmers have become trend today especially for better water resource system. Unique water management systems turn even complex agricultural issues easy so is effectiveness in proper use of agricultural lands. Most innovative idea of Hohokam farmers were the use of complex network of canals to ensure best irrigation procedures are used in farming.

New Techniques:

Various types of technique used for farming has eased better connectivity of permanent rivers from the surrounding areas to make water supply easily. It is one technique for water management while the rest is diversion of seasonal flood waters meant for irrigation purpose. Latest technologies and techniques include dams, terraces, rock walls and rock mulches etc. whose role to retain water and use it for agriculture and cultivation remain at par.

New techniques have made it easy to grow various crops like corn, cotton and beans amongst others. Desert areas have various types of plants cultivated through the use of modern techniques. Production of weeds, chenopods and amaranths are common nowadays. Environmental protection plans have brought revolution in Hohokam based crops agriculture. Such advanced procedures have eased tree cultivation henceforth the lands have turned into greeneries. Hohokam irrigation systems through using latest techniques have made sustainable source of soil fertility effective.


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