“How to Start a Condom Business”
Comment Page 1

  • Rahul Kumar said on December 6, 2014
    Please help me in starting a condom manufacturing business in India.
  • vikas kumar said on December 27, 2014
    hello i just willing to start a business of condoms. Please help me out what is minimum investment and sources how i start it. bijnor up india
  • V.S.Raghavan beginner adviser said on January 7, 2015
    Dear Sir, I wonder if we have corresponded earlier or thru' skype via a mutual friend. We are a reputed firm of Consultants for the latex dipping industry in India and have an enviable background in establishing total turnkey projects for condom manufacture. We are presently engaged in setting up a large size unit for a Pharma Major in South Africa as a Joint Venture in India. We are presently looking for a JV partner for a Dubai businessman to set up a condom plant in the UAE. If you are interested please contact us. You may write to us at qmaxconsult@yahoo.com

    qmaxconsult@yahoo.com || Consultant

  • Kanyisa said on January 20, 2015
    I'm interested in starting a condom manufacturing business in South Africa. Anyone who wants to join venture from South Africa, hit me up at kanye0410@gmail.com
  • Naresh lakhani said on January 26, 2015
    R/Sir, How can start in condom plant minimum investment in india bhopal mp
  • Andres said on February 12, 2015
    Hi, I want a condom manufacturing business in Guatemala, I need a complete investment plan to start off. Here we are rubber producers, that could help reduce manufacturing cost in condoms. Please help.
  • V.S.Raghavan beginner adviser said on February 14, 2015
    Dear Mr. Andres, We noted with interest your desire to set up a condom manufacturing facility in Guatemala. Please provide some basic information such as your email address, your funding arrangement etc to enable us to correspond with you on the subject. V.S.Raghavan, Q-Max Consultants, India. email : qmaxconsult@yahoo.com

    qmaxconsult@yahoo.com || Consultant

  • iqbal said on February 22, 2015
    Hi Sir i am start condoms business so pls suggest me how many invest in this business ...i am from india Please help............nideiqbal@gmail.com
  • Badal Dtata said on February 23, 2015
    Hi Sir i am merchant exporter and start condoms export so pls inform me cheapest condom manufacturer in west bengal ...i am from Hindmotor(Westbengal).. dattabadal@gmail.com
  • Kush Asthana said on April 30, 2015
    I am interested in starting up a condom business under my own brand name here in Lucknow, Uttar Paradesh, India. I would like to be contacted by any suppliers who manufacture and supply condoms, which I would sell under my brand name. Email : kush20041xp@gmail.com
  • Mzwandile Patrick Nkohla said on May 27, 2015
    Hi i've just started to do a research around condom manufacturing. Please help, I'm a South African living in South Africa
  • sharad said on July 10, 2015
    sir i am searching for condom manufacturer who will supply me condom with my brand plz help me give addresses of manufacturer as early as possible
  • Chandresh said on July 17, 2015
    hi i'm from morbi i want start condom manufacturing plant in gujrat so i want total info. for this business
  • suhas Hivrekar said on July 25, 2015
    sir, i am having an exp of 30 Yrs in condom manufacturing i want to enter in condom distribution business or i want to start small condom manufacturing plant in aurangabad india . Pl help me for how to start business with low investment.
  • chandresh said on July 26, 2015
    hi i'm from ahmedabad i want start condom manufacturing plant in gujrat so i want total info. for this business
  • ravindra bagate said on July 26, 2015
    Dear Sir, I want to start condoms manufacturing unit in pune maharashtra. please guide me about total plant installation with all legal permissions. And approximate investment. Thanks, Ravindra Bagate
  • David Robinson said on August 5, 2015
    I have a great idea for condoms
  • umang said on August 10, 2015
    Hi I am from rajkot. i want start condom manufacturing in rajkot. so I want total information about government documentation ,uses machinerys, using raw material, the environment and investment and process of the making condom
  • Naresh jain delhi said on August 15, 2015
    How much cost condom manufacturing plant pls suggest
  • ishan sharma said on September 3, 2015
    Hi all, I don't have budget to start a mfrg unit. But have an idea for product, for which I need an unit which can provide me with the item packaged in my brands name. Need details of min. Qty., quality, types, budget & other necessary details. Also if anyone interested I would like to join hands, i will take care of marketing & strategy and brand awareness leading increase in MKT share. Plz mail me at ishan3011@gmail.com
  • sachin s. solunke said on September 6, 2015
    hi i want to start condom manufacturing unit in maharastra pls tell me cost of unit subsidy and documents
  • prakash magdum said on September 11, 2015
    I want to start a mfg unit of biscuit company in abdul lat tal - shirol dist- kolhapur
  • shek. Babul mondal said on September 27, 2015
    Sir I am from west bengal, I want to start 3rd party manufacturing of low cost condom for rural area, plz help me, my cont no _ 09749909526
  • Pankaj Sharma said on October 16, 2015
    I would like to know about the Condom business as I want to set up a small scale plant in India. any one wants partnership may contact me through E mail.sharmapower83@gmail.com.Any small scale unit is running then I offer a partnership to increases the setup and profits.
  • malusi said on October 18, 2015
    I am from south africa kwazulu natal i want to start my own condom company how much i need to start with the cheapest method first thank you.
  • Desreen said on October 21, 2015
    Hi,i am very interested in starting a condom manufacturing business in Johannesburg South Africa,Funding is not an issue but i know very little about where to start and would appreciate some guidance/mentorship.I can be contacted via my gmail add - Desreenwalker@gmail.com ...any assistance would be appreciated
  • Pankaj Sharma said on November 22, 2015
    Dear all,I am Launching My Condom Brand in India in Jan 2016.Any one interested in Dealerships for state or district level can contact me on +91-9414866488, or can write on sharmapower83@gmail.com. PANKAJ SHARMA
  • Pawan Pandey said on December 28, 2015
    Hi i am consultant in condom manufacturing business any tip help so please contact me 9817849001 Pawan Pandey.
  • SUBASH CHANDRA said on January 16, 2016
    I interest for start condom business please suggest me how to start a this business in delhi.How many rupees required for start condom factory.Details send in my email id saisubash_2011@rediffmail.com
  • Bipin Patel said on January 29, 2016
    Mr.chandresh so please contact me my moblie no :+91 9426025229 My name is Bipin Patel,i am intrested in your project so i can help you.
  • bongani cibi said on February 15, 2016
    Interested in setting up a condom plant In South Africa looking for a turn key plant can someone also assist with feasibility study and the cost of setting up.
  • Pawan Pandey beginner adviser said on February 16, 2016

    @SUBASH CHANDRA,Please cont. Me 9817849001 Pawan

    pandeipawan17@gmail.com || Consultant

  • V.S.Raghavan beginner adviser said on March 14, 2016
    Dear Mr. Bongani Cibi, My name is Raghavan. I am the Proprietor and Chief Consultant at Q-Max Consultants based in Chennai, India. We have noted your interest in setting up a condom plant in South Africa. We have a lot of contacts and exposure in the South African market and have studied the condom market there extensively. We can provide turnkey proposal for setting up a condom plant in your country as well as offer training to your operators to enable you to manage the unit yourself.Kindly contact us at qmaxconsult@yahoo.com for further details.

    qmaxconsult@yahoo.com || Consultant

  • V.S.Raghavan beginner adviser said on March 14, 2016

    @bongani cibi,

    Dear Mr. Bongani Cibi, My name is Raghavan. I am the Proprietor and Chief Consultant at Q-Max Consultants based in Chennai, India. We have noted your interest in setting up a condom plant in South Africa. We have a lot of contacts and exposure in the South African market and have studied the condom market there extensively. We can provide turnkey proposal for setting up a condom plant in your country as well as offer training to your operators to enable you to manage the unit yourself. Kindly contact us at qmaxconsult@yahoo.com for further details.


    - See more at: http://www.startupbizhub.com/how-to-start-a-condom-business.htm#poke

    qmaxconsult@yahoo.com || Consultant

  • kaka said on March 25, 2016
    Dear sir i had start the condom plant in jammu and kashmir plz tell me what is the investment.
  • shahid khan said on March 30, 2016
    Any body want condom business and manufacturing so contact me 09958164504 ,09057365293
  • akshay said on April 2, 2016
    i don't want to manufacture condoms but want to outsource it to a manufacturer . can anyone tell me how can that be done and what legal formalities are necessary for it ? basically create my brand . I'm from based in india
  • Naran Chavda said on May 10, 2016
    Hi I want to condom manufacturing unit in Gujarat (jamnagar) so please tell me a cost of plant and documents details.
  • Pawan beginner adviser said on May 12, 2016
    Hi i am consultant in condom manufacturing business any tip help so please contact me 9817849001 Pawan Pandey.

    Pandeipawan17@gmail.com || Consultant

  • Yusuf said on May 27, 2016
    Hello , I'm looking to start a condom factory plant in Saudi Arabia . Please contact me yalgharbawi@gmail.com for support and joint venture.
  • Akash N . said on May 29, 2016
    Hello , i want to start latex and contraceptive comp. so please give me all kind of basic & important information related with plant and also types of vending machinery related to it . I am from pune , maharstra , india .
  • Piyush p said on June 1, 2016
    I am thinking to start my own condom manufacturing and give detail for minimum investment and market think
  • sagar said on June 3, 2016
    i would like to know how i can setup a condom factory and its marketing.
  • N.k.group said on June 14, 2016
    I want to start my own business of condom manufacturing company in india so plz give me all information with quotation of all machinaries and legal information
  • Monish Varma said on August 8, 2016
    Hi I am from Maharashtra. i want start condom manufacturing in Maharashtra. so I want total information about government documentation ,uses machinery, using raw material, the investment and process of the making condom - mail id- monishvarma5@gmail.com. contact no- 9822822971.
  • pratik sakte said on August 8, 2016
    Sir I want to start this business ...so please give me a basic information about it to how to start ..how many capital required to start...land required for this...please give me ur opinion sir
  • Amardeep said on September 15, 2016
    Sir, I want to start condom business(manufacturing) in north India. Kindly send details at amardeep.sbhullar@gmail.com for small & large scale plant.
  • Rohit Sharma said on October 1, 2016
    Dear Sir, I want to start a condom manufacturing business in North India at small scale. Kindly send me details regarding investment and machinery required.
  • Risto Mushongo said on October 17, 2016
    Hi, AM planning to start up a condom project for visual impair people in Namibia. I would like you to help me coming up with this as I know this kind is nothing in my country. my number is 00264817417450
  • trumpdungvn said on October 20, 2016
    i'm from viet nam, i want to co-operate to distribution condoms. can u help me? gmail: trumpdungvn@gmail.com
  • tarun said on November 12, 2016
    please cont.me my no.9754205378
  • Ahmed said on December 26, 2016
    Hi, I am from Pakistan, want to start a retail & whole sale setup of condoms (All brands) can any one help to provide the setup cost, advertising type and other details please in low cost. Regards, Ahmed, awaissawaiss@yahoo.com
  • Pawan Pandey beginner adviser said on February 23, 2017
    @Risto Mushongo, Hi i am condom manufacturing any tip help so please contact me 9817849001 Pawan Pandey.

    pandeipawan17@gmail.com || Consultant

  • Pawan Pandey beginner adviser said on February 23, 2017

    @Rohit Sharma ,

    any tip help so please contact me 9817849001 Pawan Pandey.

    pandeipawan17@gmail.com || Consultant

  • Nikunj said on February 28, 2017
    Hi my name Nikunj I want to start condom manufacturing plant. Please help me out what is minimum investment and sources how i start it. i am in need of plant detail ,,and more plant image and Manufacturing Machine dealer and it's contact number. any one have detail to kindly send me my id. nikunj326@gmail.com, Rajkot (Gujarat)
  • Matlock brown said on April 15, 2017
    Hello, sir or madam, Am Matlock from Ghana West Africa and am interested to start a condom business in Ghana. Anybody interested to do business in Ghana should contact me +2330278478212 or by mail matlockbrown.6@gmail.com
  • shivanshu dwivedi said on May 13, 2017
    Hello, I want to start manufacturing plant of condoms in (Delhi) India. What would be the complete investment required for starting up a condom manufacturing business.. If you could give us a brief details on the costing & whole process or govt regulations of the condom manufacturing project. Waiting for your kind reply.
  • pankaj panara said on June 13, 2017
    sir i want to start manufacturing plant of condom. i want to know how much cost will required to start plant?
  • hemant said on July 7, 2017
    Hello, We are manufacturing of Condom. If any body wants to third party manufacturing with own brand name or Distribution. please feel free write on hemsbpl@gmail.com
  • Anil Kumar said on September 29, 2017
    I want to take franchisees of condom
  • bhatti Amit said on December 16, 2017
    I want to start condom manufacturing but I dnt know how much investment required & what is govt process and subsidy etc. Kindly provide it asap.
  • Harsh said on January 31, 2018
    I want to start condom business please suggest me to start up.
  • Aman garg said on March 12, 2018
    hello i am just willing to start a business of condoms. Please help me out what is minimum investment and sources how i start it. Karnal haryana
  • Musab said on July 31, 2018
    Sir, I want a production unit of dotted condoms having a production capacity of 10 to 15 thousand daily so can you provide a production unit? musabzahid15@gmail.com
  • Preetham said on March 14, 2019
    Hello sir my name is Pritam. I'm just planning to do condom business on how to start just tell me sir. what should be the investment? I am from Hyderabad
  • Kamran jahangir said on August 6, 2019
    Hi Dear, I want to start up a low-cost manufacturing plant for condoms in Pakistan. Kindly anybody from this vicinity or other tell me abt its cost n also share technical knowledge abt it. My email id us, Kamran.jahangiir@gmail.com
  • pete last said on December 9, 2019
    I have an idea on the best condom. Right now am trying to find out how to make the condom first. Am working on three different condoms for the pleasure of all men and women. There are some things I need to know first before revealing my Idea. the condom is working on shall surpass" Magnum" and Lifestyle if there is a company that can help me it would be greatly appreciated. my gmail is petelast76@gmail.com
  • Kulyo said on August 14, 2021
    I want to buy it; please send me all the information.
  • Heather B said on March 5, 2025
    Hello all. I see most of the posts here are now quite old. Is there anyone here with retail shop, pharmacy or health interested in BUYING branded condoms FROM Europe? Targeting Africa and Asians markets seeing USAID and other NGOs etc have been cut off. You need import capacity and this offer works only with advance payments, no major corporations asking for 30/60 day invoices please, I still need to eat and live. Contact me on missmuch2025@gmailcom.
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