How to Start a Condom Business

Condoms are a great device that furnishes care, endows with protection, and earns an individual blissful fulfillment. If you are the type of businessman who wishes to feel good while making, then the condom industry is the precise one for you.

As an entrepreneur, these are the following requisites that could assist you in starting this booming condom business.

The feasibility of condom vending machines is turning more and more perceptible nowadays. A wide variety of brands are responding to the great demand of society. Indeed, it feels excellent to bring in money, but it feels much better knowing you are earning money while providing others protection. Thinking from a business-occupied mind may be an additional revenue-generating means for you. On the contrary, searching for condom vending machines may be challenging, yet this guide will help you look for sellers of condom vending machines.

Starting Your Own Condom Business

Proper education is the tool for this kind of entrepreneurship. In this light, you must give consumers a fun alternative to unsafe sexual practices. Provide a wide variety of your products. It should range from the tamed up to the wild type. Reflect on the accurate set to locate your condom vending machines. Night clubs, bars, small drug stores, and supermarkets are excellent places to position vending machines. In the wrong light, various places may be unsuitable. The demographic option when viewing condom business machines is sexually active adults. This business is precise for you if you are in a position where many adults are squirming around.

In thinking about a proper location, there is a stigma attached to it. Most young adults and naïve teenagers are so much hesitant to purchase condoms. Therefore, a condom vending machine is a solution that will give them the relief of buying condoms without the worry of having encountered a face to face contact. On the contrary, placing the vending machine in the middle of a hustled and bustled crowd will give them an even greater awkwardness. Make no doubt that the place will be noticeable and popular but discreet to the eyes of onlookers.

Almost a lot of the types of condom vending machines, instead of a sign saying that condoms are available here, use context clues. It provides a complimentary advertisement and lessens the costs because they are shouldering a part of it. Durex and Trust are well-known brands that vending machine makers keep in stock. However, some local brands suit a particular locality's needs. Therefore, it is in your prerogative to choose the type of condoms you will keep. Finally, restock the stuff properly. Typically, vending machines have a key to open them so that you can replace the sold items spontaneously.


  • k.p said on December 1, 2011
    hello i just willing to start a business of condoms. Please help me out what is minimum investment and sources how i start it. india new delhi
  • virendra said on December 12, 2011
    sir i want to start manufacturing plant of condom. i want know how much cost will accrue to start plant?
  • Robert ward said on February 13, 2012
    Looking to start condom business. Need to know who to talk to. How much and location. I live in las vegas..
  • Ronald J.Thibodeaux said on April 26, 2012
    I want to start my own condom brand. I'm having trouble getting leads on how. PLEASE HELP!
  • Mohammed said on June 16, 2012
    Hi our business location would be in india.. What would be the complete investment required for starting up a condom manufacturing business.. If you could give us a brief details on the costing..Of the condom manufacturing project.. Waiting for your reply Thanks Regards Mohammed
  • mahesh beginner adviser said on June 17, 2012
    Hi @Mohammed, I would say the cost of complete full set up would be 300000 UDS plus the land cost depends on location .AS I have already set up factory in Malaysai and also in Iran. For the details can be in touch for more information. Regards. Mahesh || Condom Business Consultant

  • mayank gupta said on July 7, 2012
    hi, i want to start condom plant in india(delhi). plz, tell the investment required or whole process or govt regulations.
  • mahesh beginner adviser said on July 11, 2012
    Hi Dear Gupta, Its depends on how u r going to choose the full set up technology ,the economic one where from Malaysia it will be cost around 250000 USD plus the infrastructure and land. The gove regulation is not a big issue we can apply for it as per its norms but before that we need to prepare for that .Now I working In Gemi rubber in Botswana before that I have set up a factory in Iran as well as in Malaysia .For details u cane be reach on me Regards || Condom Business Consultant

  • jay said on July 28, 2012
    hello how to start a business of condoms. Please help me out what is minimum investment and sources how i start it. i am in need of plant detail ,,and more plant image and Manufacturing Machine dealer and it's contact number. any one have detail to kindly send me my id i am from rajkot(gujarat,india)
  • Nkhensani said on August 15, 2012
    Hi i'd like to start a condom manufacturing unit, how much would i need in investments, and what would be the best possible way to market my brand pretoria,gauteng,south africa
  • Percival said on August 21, 2012
    Hi I'm interested in setting up a condom manufacturing plant, what is the minimum amount required for start up, what are the equipments required and materials. Where can I get technical support, and what should I do interms of research before I start In general, where do i start? I'm in Gaborone, Botswana
  • raju patel said on August 28, 2012
    hi i'm from ahmedabad i want start condom manufacturing plant in gujrat so i want total info. for this business
  • Shubham said on September 19, 2012
    What about business perspective for manufacturing unit located in Rajasthan . Amount of investment required. Legal formalities to be done. infrastructure required? Loan availability?
  • jay said on September 20, 2012
    i have pharma marketing. now i want to start condom business franchise basis in rajasthan. what should i do. what will be invest.
  • jay said on September 28, 2012
    i am from gujarat, india. i want more information like where the machines will be available and cost of the same etc and all other detail. Amount of investment required. Legal formalities to be done. infrastructure required? Loan availability? so plz send me detail to
  • Ronak said on September 30, 2012
    Hi, i want to start business of condom so plz give me all type of details. i.e., required money, machinery. etc
  • puran singh said on October 1, 2012
    i want to start condom business so please help me my mobile no is 09309206244, 8947051557. plz suggest me
  • devang chaudhari said on November 4, 2012
    mehasana, i am from gujarat. please tell me amount of investment required mo-94266 07794,9574757677
  • Rajpara Veer said on November 23, 2012
    i also want to start my own condom manufacturing plant in morbi city of gujrat state so give me full information please ..
  • shailendra kumar shukla said on December 4, 2012
    i am interested to start a business in navi mumbai kindly give proper advise.
  • HARSH PATEL said on December 4, 2012
  • Alex said on December 15, 2012
    I'm from Malaysia. Wondering can we still invest in this business from our own country? How much is the minimum capital required? How & who to resolve maintenance issue?
  • GAURAV said on January 1, 2013
  • Brad Foy said on January 4, 2013
    I came up with a great idea for condoms. I need info on how I can start this process myself or how can I sell it to condom makers
  • AMITABHA said on January 8, 2013
    I WANT TO START FULLY AUTOMATIC PLANT OF CONDOM PRODUCTION. PLS ADVISE ME HOW MUCH AREA REQUIRED, MACHINES COST ,RAW MATERIAL, Legal formalities to be done AND TOTAL EXPECTED COST. plz also inform me Where can I get technical support. I am from kolkata but i can do the business from anywhere.
  • Sanjay said on January 13, 2013
    I want to start a small scale condom manufacturing, so what is the sorce of machinery and how much investment it needed, Baroda , Gujarat
  • AMBAR said on January 16, 2013
    I want to start a condom manufacturing business. How to start the business ? How much investment is needed for the project? I am from Howrah, Wast Bengal, India.
  • AMBAR said on January 16, 2013
    I am from Howrah, West Bengal, India. I want to start condom manufacturing business. How much investment is needed for the project. I have own land and building.
  • Durai said on January 21, 2013
    Hi I am having 20+ yrs of experience in condom manufacturing field. If you are really interested in starting a condom unit contact me on my mail id dkyvnr@gmail .com
  • mahesh beginner adviser said on February 11, 2013
    Dear @Amitabha, If you are looking for new start of Business ,you can mail me Currently I am in Botswana ,before to that I was in Iran as well as in Malaysia for this kind of project || Condom Business Consultant

  • Sa said on February 21, 2013
    Hi, if you want to start the condom businesses we can manufacture it for you. If you are serious with this business. We have a factory in the southern of Thailand where we dont have to import the rubber from other country. Which means that we can compete with any other manufacturer in terms of price and quality. In this factory, we produced for many famous brands such as durex. We can customize the type of condom you which to sell and package as your own brand. more detail contact me. my email is
  • Dev said on February 22, 2013
    i am from jhansi, i want to start small scale manufacturing unit of condom, kindly guide me with the process, machinery, what kind of raw material, and how much capital required to start the unit of condom manufacturing. prompt reply will be highly appreciated
  • sachchidanand mishra said on February 23, 2013
    Dear sir i am from Lucknow (u.P.). I want to start small scale manufacturing unit of condom. so please guide me How to start & how much investment is needed for initially start up. as well as what kind of raw material use & about M/C .(total expected cost). thank you
  • mahesh beginner adviser said on February 24, 2013
    Dear Mr @sachchidanand mishra, If you need to discuss more about the condom manufacturing project kindly contact me on my mail I have 14 yrs of experience in this and currently I am in Botswana. || Condom Business Consultant

  • mahesh beginner adviser said on February 24, 2013

    Dear @Dev, If you need need details in condom manufacturing project, contact me || Condom Business Consultant

  • daniel said on March 2, 2013
    Hi my name is Daniel and i have a extremely unique condom line by the name Peral G spot . Its unlike any type of condoms you have ever seen before this condom line will attract the younger crowd for a fact. I have shown them to many people and they feel back with amazement. If any one wish to put them in there stores please email me at for more info on this product. We are based out of miami Fl. Please serious inverters ONLY
  • Mpho said on March 27, 2013
    I would like to start a condom manufacturing company, i would like to know how much does it cost to set up the whole factory and how much does a machine cost.
  • Sahill said on March 28, 2013
    Dear sir, I am from Hazaribagh(JHARKHAND; INDIA). I want to start small scale low budget manufacturing unit of condom. so please guide me How to start & how much investment is needed for initially start up. as well as what kind of raw material use,Land space area & about M/C .(total expected cost). Thank you
  • jatink said on April 1, 2013
    hi sir i want to make condom n i dont know gujrat gov. process plz ans to me a whole process to manufacture. marketing. my own company name .n budget. ...
  • ravi oberoi said on April 2, 2013
    Dear sir/mam, I want to start condom manufacturing but I dnt know how much investment required & what is govt process and subsidy etc. Kindly provide it asap., Mo.09928775520
  • Marquis said on April 5, 2013
    I am very interested in starting up my own condom business and line. If you can please contact me back ASAP. I am in the United States on the east coast.
  • malikismail said on April 15, 2013
    sir. in pakistan lahore i want start condom factory full unit tell me price. malik ismail
  • saiful said on April 22, 2013
    Dear sir/ Madam, Hello, This is saiful Hasan from Bangladesh. I am interested to build a condom plant in Bangladesh Dhaka. I am illiterate about this sector. So I want to know how to start condom manufacturing, how much invest required for a good plant. Kindly provide those information ASAP. Thanks. Saiful
  • Shenoy said on May 9, 2013
    Please contact me in connection with condom business. Regards, Shenoy (91-8805024134)
  • isaac hayes said on May 18, 2013
    Hi! I'm interested in starting my own condom business. What would be the cost, land , materials required for such a venture? I am located in quezon city philippines. I can be reached at
  • Locrum said on May 26, 2013
    We are setting up a small scale condom manufacturing unit at India. We have a small seed fund & looking out for making the streets clean. We are hiring process consultants, production supervisors. Interested people may please apply to for investment related opportunities. Thank you.
  • jatin patel said on May 30, 2013
    hi sir i want to start business of condom in gujarat but i dont know government process. and given me information about whole process to manufacture. marketing. my own company name .and budget. thank you
  • manu gupta said on June 9, 2013
    hi,i am interested and have to need setting new business like condom manufacturing in small scale and other business .
    what is government process to start it
    how much land , materials required for it
    How to start & how much investment is needed for initially start up. as well as how much man power we need to start
    i need full information, thank you, manu gupta, kanpur, u.p., India
  • umair zafar said on June 16, 2013
    Hello, Dear sir I want to start my own business. I want to make a distribution of condom .plz help me
  • vikas sharma said on June 16, 2013
    Sir, i wants to start a own business condom manufacturing automatic plant pls. provide me fully project report. how to start the above business. thanks & regards, vikas sharma
  • Abdullah said on July 2, 2013
    Hi, i would like to join this industry. Now, where do we start? I'm from South Africa, Limpopo province. Please help.
  • shanduka said on July 15, 2013
    Hi! I want to start condom manufacturing in Lesotho. If I do, I will be the first person to venture into such kind of business in this country. Those with experience of such type of business please help with the required information. How much is the minimum cash required and any other required information. With regards.. M. Shanduka.
  • mahesh beginner adviser said on July 23, 2013
    Hi , Someone interested in condom business , you can be in touch with me by mail || Condom Business Consultant

  • Bhavesh said on July 28, 2013
    I want to know that- how much would be final minimum and maximum cost of manufacturing per unit of condom INDIA)?
  • Bhavesh said on July 28, 2013
    i want to give contract for manufacturing to other company in INDIA. Which type of approval/regulatory body, i have to check for manufacturing of condom. approval of which body is said to be best? Please reply
  • basuki nath vaish said on August 16, 2013
    This business is totally new for me and i do not have any idea about this. Do suggest me to open this condom business at small scale
  • kulbir singh said on August 24, 2013
    i am kulbir from jammu. i want to start small scale manufacturing unit of condom in jammu and kashmir. kindly guide me, how many minimum cost required.
  • Sterling walker said on September 2, 2013
    Hi i'm more interested in partnering up with a local investor, From the U.S. A ton of Great advertising Skills & great marketing technique.
  • Sunil said on October 9, 2013
    Hello people, I am from chennai india. I have patented a name on condoms brand. i am not looking into starting a factory as of now. which is waste of time and money in case of getting orders and things at the startup. i have a brand which is surely catchy. I am looking to subcontract it to TTK LIG(manufacture of skore, durex, kohinoor) or Hindustan latex(moods. But my constraints are money to advertisements and to go nation wide or international. And also created website for the brand. My qualification Msc molecular medicine(UK)and MBA in Marketing & HR. Any one interested in partnering seriously can contact me on for further details.
  • Vikram patil said on October 17, 2013
    What about business perspective for manufacturing unit located in Maharastra sangli . Amount of investment required. Legal formalities to be done. infrastructure required? Loan availability?
  • matt brown said on October 17, 2013
    I'm interested in starting up my own company situated on the gold cost in Australia. would like to know the investment required or otherwise anything that is needed for the company to boom
  • CHIRAG VIDJA said on October 27, 2013
  • J K said on November 10, 2013
    Hello i just willing to start a condom business. Pls help me out what is the minimum investment and the sources how i start it. New Delhi, India
  • Shylia Henley said on November 18, 2013
    Hi I would like to sell an idea to a condom business how can I do this?
  • Mohit Devra said on December 1, 2013
    Hey, I'm also interested in the same. As I'm doing the same. If any one is interested in buying or selling condoms on their brand name or mine, can directly contact me 9001360061 Jaipur Rajasthan
  • Kapil said on December 26, 2013
    I want to start condom manufacturing small scale plant. How much investment is required?
  • Kumar D said on December 30, 2013
    I am having 22 yrs of experience in condom industry setting and operations. i did three projects so far , if any one interested please contact me
  • mayank said on January 3, 2014
    Hi I am from yamunanagar(haryana) I want to install a cheap and best condom plant for population control and safe sex in india
  • A.N. CARRIM said on January 5, 2014
    Need to start a entry level condom manufacturing plant. What is the cost. As I am starting with limited capital, I required a basic start off equipment with a option of adding on as the business grows. Please advise.
  • Nqobion said on January 8, 2014
  • sumedh said on January 21, 2014
    i want to start a business of condoms manufacturing in india so what i do for start a business of condoms please give me a full information about open the condoms factory
  • suresh said on January 29, 2014
    i want to start a business of condoms manufacturing in uganda so what i do for start a business of condoms please give me a full information about open the condoms factory
  • nishit patel said on January 30, 2014
    how to start condom business jobwork, location: gujarat,india nearby morvi
  • Bharath.K.S said on February 5, 2014
    Hi i am Bharath i want to start condom manufacturing small scale plant in Bengaluru (Karnataka), How much investment is required?
  • vineet said on February 10, 2014
    I want to start condom manufacturing plant in lndia .how much minimum investment in this. and how much land are require. and tell me govt. subsidy.
  • Nando Warner said on March 20, 2014
    Hello i'm based in ANGOLA and Condoms are doing very well here. i want to start my own brand is anyone willing to help me or team up to create this very very profitable venture. Durex and Rocky are doing very well here with their brand. Also import tax is close to nothing almost 3 percent, so its very good
  • amit said on March 22, 2014
    hi i am start condoms business so pls suggest me how many invest in this business because i have no money
  • Sanjay Balotra said on March 27, 2014
    I want to start condom manufacturing plant in baddi himachal pardesh lndia .how much minimum investment in this. and how much land are require. and tell me govt. subsidy.
  • naresh said on April 17, 2014
    Hi, I want to start condom business or franchise basis in Indore. what should i do. what will be investment.
  • Jerry said on April 21, 2014
    Hi all, Just noticed someone selling 7 or 8 new condom vending machines. Saw them listed in the Los Angeles section on Craigslist / business. About $100 ea, they look brand new
  • Eugene said on May 6, 2014
    Hello I'm interested in buying final condom & produce my brand with them anyone with please contact me on 084 631 0505 or mmashilo@live. com
  • Alex Ayala said on May 23, 2014
    I have a fun and easy access idea for condoms for New York which which would help to reduce the spreading of aids. Please contact me on my email
  • jignesh said on May 26, 2014
    hi i am jignesh from morbi Gujarat india. how to make condom. what i should to do make a condom factory. i know to how to help us government to make condom factory. please mail
  • Mohit Kukreja said on June 10, 2014
    Hi @Nando Warner, I keep on having inquiries for supply of condoms via Tenders in certain African nations. Please share your mail id and contact details....or plz contact me at or call me at +91 98718 66448. Thanks & Regards, Mohit Kukreja
  • Morris Tony Senthufe said on June 12, 2014
    I am in Francistown, Botswana. I would like to venture into condom manufacturing. I need your help Mahesh.
  • santosh kumar senapati said on June 12, 2014
    I want to start a condom mini industries in orissa ,dist-balasore please help me how i start and how much budget required. Regards, santosh
  • manish said on July 7, 2014
    dear sirs, please provide me full information about this business with its cost for starting an entry level condom manufacturing plant. with regards
  • rahul said on July 13, 2014
    Hi, i want to start business of condom so plz give me all type of details. i.e., required money, machinery. etc, my mobile no is 09830284404. plz suggest me
  • hardik said on August 15, 2014
    I want to start condom manufacturing but I dnt know how much investment required & what is govt process and subsidy etc. Kindly provide it asap.
  • Arun jadhav said on August 29, 2014
    Dear sir, I am Bpharm graduate, I want to start condom manufacturing plant kindly help me.
  • sudhir said on September 3, 2014
    Hi sir I want to start a condom business for u.p. india. Please help me how much budget required and cost and supply. Please help me.
  • Abhay said on September 6, 2014
    hi sir i want to start condom manufacturing plant plz send details my mail id
  • Abhinav said on September 17, 2014
    I want to start my business as a condom manufacturer. please help me, and i want a total project.
  • sandip sonani said on September 24, 2014
    hi, i want all information in condom manufacture. i live in SURAT ,GUJRAT , INDIA. Pls,ALL INFORMATION : MAN, MONEY, MARKET, MACHINE, ETC..
  • Vitthal chaudhari said on October 16, 2014
    Hallo @Maheshji, I am from Maharashtra. i want to start condom manufacturing plant in Maharashtra so i want total info. for this business. my email address is Vitthal Chaudhari, 09372811851
  • sibusiso said on October 19, 2014
    Hey am a young South African entrepreneur, who is interested in condom manufacturing, as the is a high demand of quality branded Condoms here, anyone interested in partnering into this business with me can hit me up on my email address sbusisomahlangu. lets make money.... thank you
  • J.joshi said on October 30, 2014
    Sir, i want star my business as condom manufacturing & jobwork . So, please suggest me that which condom companies are in gujarat gives job work for manufacturing of condom. And also give some information about cost,market, location for this business & govt. documentary process.
  • rrt beginner adviser said on November 11, 2014
    Please contact us to assist you with your requirements and turn key projects. We have along history in the condom industry and have setup a number of turn key operations worldwide. || Consultant

  • V.S.Raghavan beginner adviser said on November 12, 2014
    Dear Sir, I wonder if we have corresponded earlier or thru' skype via a mutual friend. We are a reputed firm of Consultants for the latex dipping industry in India and have an enviable background in establishing total turnkey projects for condom manufacture. We are presently engaged in setting up a large size unit for a Pharma Major in South Africa as a Joint Venture in India. We are presently looking for a JV partner for a Dubai businessman to set up a condom plant in the UAE. If you are interested please contact us. || Consultant

  • Naresh Kumar Mandal said on November 28, 2014
    Hi, I am looking forward to start a manufacturing unit of condoms in the remote area of Raghogarh . As I am a budding entrepreneur so do help me for the same. I have a plan of doing an initial investment of 50k.


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