How to Start a Trucking Dispatching Business

If you have knowledge in trucking dispatching, then that can be your capital in venturing into a business.

In order to succeed in business, you need to have determination and to know the step-by-step ways on how to start.

It is true that without the existence of dispatchers, commercial drivers will not know their exact destination. Dispatchers give drivers the information they need in load pickup and delivery. Independent dispatchers are commonly tasked to search for the loads and sign contracts with brokers and shippers. The pay depends on the arrangement with the customer or driver. Some dispatchers get a percentage of the load’s revenue, while some get a definite amount per load.

Gain Experience from Trucking Company

If you would like to start up your own business someday, you need to have experience as a dispatcher in a trucking company. With this, you will be able to gain the necessary skills and know-how you need in order to administer your future business successfully. Since there are several state and federal rules that regulate motor carriers, a dispatcher must also have knowledge of the laws and policies that must be followed by their drivers.

Apply for an Employers’ Identification Number from the IRS

It is also important to apply for an employers’ identification number from the Internal Revenue Service, as it will provide you a documentation you need in opening business bank accounts. It will also enable you to separate your business and personal finances. On the other hand, registration with the DOT or the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration is no longer required. However, you must learn the regulations for the carriers that are listed on the website of FMCSA.

Loan Board Membership

You also have to sign up for membership on a variety of load boards. They do not just give access to loads, but allow you to utilize the message boards on them to contact small trucking companies and owner operators to offer your business’ services. Basically, trucking magazines have loan board ads which you can use to search for services.

Draft a Contract

You also have to draft a contract for customers that outline your charges and services. Normally, a motor carrier will not choose to sign a long-term contract with a dispatcher because it is a bit inconvenient, but your dispatching contract can be load-to-load. This implies that neither of the two parties is held liable for upholding the business relationship beyond the certain load that the driver is presently delivering. Should you wish to do business with each other again, you can do so even without singing another contract.

Advertise Your Trucking Dispatching Services

The next step is advertising your services. Considering the fact that you are a self-regulating dispatcher, you need to have more loads and motor carriers. A flyer can help you advertise your business well.


  • Chanta Coleman said on August 28, 2014
    please help me to start a trucking dispatching business in Dallas, Texas 75236
  • Dora Estrada said on September 8, 2014
    need help to start my trucking dispatching business in Dallas county, Dallas Texas
  • Tiffany Moses said on March 10, 2015
    i would like to get into trucking business. Union City, GA USA
  • Mahlet said on March 15, 2015
    Camp hill PA
  • rupin said on March 27, 2015
    need advice to start up dispatching.
  • Chas Drake said on April 20, 2015
    I have many yrs experience in driving and dispatching I have a computer, A copy/fax machine, And a cell phone other than a federal id/tax number. What else do I need to start my dispatching service
  • Dean H said on April 22, 2015
    Hello everyone, I'm planing to open a truck dispatching business, I live in Atlanta GA area I know dozens of truck drivers in the area, if anybody has plans and ideas please contact me. thanks
  • Josepho said on April 28, 2015
    I need help on trucking dispatching business in Denver CO
  • Wally said on May 4, 2015
    Gainesville, FL USA. I just need direction on where to start. I have my business all set up, also a business plan.
  • jamie pipkins said on May 10, 2015
    I would like to start my own trucking dispatching business. In Bakersfield California
  • Erika C. said on May 14, 2015
    Hello, I am looking to open a Truck Dispatcher business from home in Hale County TX. Can anyone give me any advise as of how to start it? I have brothers and friends that are owner operators and I would like to start something like that, Thanks
  • hebron andom1 said on May 24, 2015
    Hello, I am looking to start a truck dispatching business in Las Vegas, NV. I have friends who own trucks and encouraged me to be their dispatcher. I have no clue on how to start with licensing if it is required. detailed and step by step information is highly appreciated. please help. Thank you
  • Monica Terrell said on June 18, 2015
    Hello, I am looking to open a Truck Dispatcher business. i need help to start.
  • Darin Thompson said on July 3, 2015
    I need help starting up.
  • Ali said on August 4, 2015
    Hi, I am in the process of starting up a truck dispatch Business in Ohio. Help me out. Thanks!
  • Michele B said on August 5, 2015
    Hello Looking to start a Truck Dispatch Business in upstate NY any advise would be great Thanks
  • Nikki DuPree said on January 23, 2016
    Hello Looking to start a Truck Dispatch Business in Central Florida any advise would be much appreciated. Thank you
  • Oktibbeha Smith-Cavett said on April 15, 2016
    Hey Dean I recently started my own IBO and along with being a customer service professional I wanted to add a dispatcher service to it too. I have taken classes and I have dispatched some for my friend who is an owner/operator.
  • George Burton said on May 4, 2016
    Hi, can you please help me start up my dispatching business. I have 20 years experience in driving trucks.
  • Chris said on August 15, 2016
    I would like to start Dispatching business in Dallas TX area. I am interested in the formalities and cost to do this. Thanks
  • Theresa said on December 7, 2016
    Hi can you tell me how to start my dispatcher home base service? Thanks
  • Lam Huynh said on February 22, 2017
    I would like to start Dispatching business in phoenix, arizona area. I am interested in the formalities and cost to do this. Thanks
  • saini said on June 18, 2017
    I need help with starting a truck dispatch business in michigan, any help will be appreciated. Thank you
  • Carolina C Gamez said on July 5, 2017
    Hi can you please help me with a good guidance on how to start my own dispatch and truck company.
  • mike said on August 28, 2017
    I am opening a dispatch company for independent owners in Toronto, Canada. Can you help with a business plan?
  • QW said on June 29, 2020
    Hi, I'll be starting my Home Trucking Dispatch service soon. Thank you for the confirmation and the step-by-step plan that you listed above. It's a process, but I'm in it for the long run. Each day I become closer. Thank you Startup Biz Hub. I am from Chicago, Illinois.. -QW-
  • Roosevelt Barnes said on February 26, 2025
    I have over 20 years in trucking as a company driver as well as Owner Operator I'm getting up and age and would like to start a dispatching service in Fairburn Ga have a home office setup all ready


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