How to Start EMU Bird Farming
There is enriched history of 80 million years since when EMU birds resided in the Australian region and many other parts of the globe. As members of the ratite family of birds, such birds along with ostrich, rhea, cassowary, and kiwi make a great combination.
Starting EMU bird farming is easier than said if a perfect plan is made which goes with the system. Thorough research is important for establishing bird farming.

Apply innovation for making EMU birds farming grand success. Be particular for creating a feasible environment for farmed birds. These birds have stronger legs which help them for fast running. Though exclamatory the fact is that EMU birds run for 40 miles in an hour. Proper research about the habits and living of such birds makes you aware of the facts related to them before donning into this business. Your planning must start by developing a proper strategy by following which you expand your business operation. Being part of a cursorial group EMU birds need special treatment in farming.
Bird Type
There are several typical features that differentiate EMU birds from the rest. They have three forward-pointing toes and the underside of each is flat with a broad pad. Differentiation between male and female birds is done on the basis of the throbbing drum practice of the female category and grunting by their male counterparts. Whistling by male EMU birds is a common phenomenon. You must know the breeding techniques of EMU birds for better understanding. Such birds lay an egg every 3 to 5 days during breeding and laying season that usually comes from October to April. It is a period when farm owners have to take special care of the whole stuff with more clarity and careful planning.
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Eggs of EMU Birds
A unique feature of EMU bird eggs is their dark green color. Often female birds lay eggs every 3 to 5 days. When a female bird lays eggs male covers them with leaves, grass, straw, and other things available to begin the incubating process. Business owners must do thorough research about the special breeding process and implement it in farming. EMU farmers pick up eggs in farms and arrange electric incubators where they put collected eggs. When male birds are kept there to hatch required arrangement of food and water is mandatory.
Business Strategy
Starting a bird's business is a unique venture. When you specialize in opening EMU birds business you need further exploration and planning. Such planning starts by understanding this bird. The pad of fat on the back of the EMU bird and its unique features have to be understood. How they differ from the rest? Feathers of EMU birds are unique. Primary and secondary feathers are equal in length and don’t have two shafts. Availability of barbs separates them without interlocking to form firm vanes. The loose and hair-like body covering of these birds makes them unique.
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- whom I have to contact for selling eggs is there any supply chain? and how it works they come to farm for eggs or its owner responsibility?
- what is the price got farmer in hand and actual price in market?
- where is nearby market for me?
1.Whats the minimum age that we can adopt for beginning (start with raring)?
2. Do we get acceptable profit in this business?
3. May i know the cost of the pair of raring birds?
4. Do we need to provide trees or any type of shelter/shed to avoid sunlight and rain?
5. Only "commercial feed" is enough to feed the emu or can we also use any natural feed like grass/hay?
Hope you clarify all the above doubts asap...
1. for how many emus how much land we want?
2. why we have to take pair wise emus?
3. how much investment we want for keeping emus?
4. how much profit we can get in year wise?
thanks u sir, i studied all matter but some clarity i am asking these questions. A.P, eluru
+91 9246780131
1.Emu Chic of 3 month costs 7000/-(approx)
2.Cost of egg is Rs.1500/- to 3000/- depending upon the season 3.Maturity age of the bird is 18mnths(starts laying eggs from 18th month)
4.You sell chics any where any time. Price of the chic depends upon its age. ie day old chick costs 5000/- and there onwards calculated @750/- per month ie if you require 3 month chic it costs 7250/-(5000/-day old+3mnt*750/-). Regarding marketing you need not worry. We give BUYBACK agreement for those who purchase chics from us.
1.Minimum age to purchase is 3month (for new farmer) can earn good profits and breakeven is for 4 years. You can earn 26000/- per pair of emus per year.
3. Breeder birds(egg layers) cost 20000/- to 50000/- depending upon its breed
4.No trees necessary, u can provide shelter with ACC sheets roof.
5.we can feed them with vegetables also but should contain sufficient proteins, dcp, calcium etc. its better to make ur own feed. Grass /hay is not feedable
+91 9246780131
+91 9246780131