Liquor License California Cost

Liquor license in California varies depending on the type of establishment where it will be sold. In applying, renewing, or transferring a California Liquor License you can go to the nearest Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control office.

All persons concerned should be physically present whenever trying to apply, renew, or transfer an existing California Liquor License.

california liquor store

Make sure that you fill out the right form from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Department; filling out other form may be a cause of delay in obtaining your California Liquor License.

In filling out the right form in applying for a California Liquor License, make sure to include all the necessary information. This includes the information of the owner of the establishment you will sell liquor or beverage in.

Before even going to the nearest office of Alcoholic Beverage Control Department it is important to study first the necessary requirements needed in application, renewal, or transfer of California Liquor License. You can also seek advice from people who actually own an existing establishment which sells liquor and or beverages near your area. This will help you in determining the things you need to do or not to do in applying, renewing, transferring a California Liquor License. It is also important that the parties involved should not have a current or existing record of felony because this might cause problems whenever applying, renewing, or transferring a California Liquor License.

After completing filling out the right form, the next thing you will do is to submit the appropriate forms to the office of Alcoholic Beverage Control Department and pay the right amount of fee. Filing fee varies on the type of License Type you are applying for. For a general off-sale beer license, the filing fee is $100. For on-sale beer license, the filing fee is $200. And for the on-sale beer and wine license, the filing fee is $300. The Alcoholic Beverage Control puts all the fees collected into the Alcoholic Beverage Control fund.

The following are the types of California Liquor Licenses:

  • Type 20 - also known as off-sale beer and wine. Usually markets, convenience stores, and gas stations have this type of license.
  • Type 21 – off-sale general, this provides a full liquor license for liquor stores, markets, convenience stores, and gas stations.
  • Type 41 – On-sale beer and wine eating place provides a beer and wine license for full-service restaurants.
  • Type 47 – On-sale general eating place. This type of license provides full liquor license to full-service restaurants.
  • Type 48 – On-sale General Full Liquor License this is the type of liquor license that night clubs, lounges, and bars have.

The average time needed to process the application varies depending on the type of application. As mandated by law, all applications require a 30-day posting period. For a transfer, the average time the process will take is 75 days and 90 days for application.


  • Christoff antoun said on January 7, 2014
    Does the state issue type 40 licenses anymore in Los Angeles?
  • Mike said on May 26, 2017
    I need professional advise on how i can start my own lounge in my local area


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