“Start a Sunflower Farm”
Comment Page 1

  • Adjei Benjamin said on June 30, 2012
    Alexis, am from ghana but am not a farmer and i have not really heard of any sunflower farm down here. maybe you can contact the ministry of agriculture and find out. it would be also help if you could come down to ghana (that is if you have the time) then you can get a land and start growing. I would love to be part of your idea though. My contact phoresstt@hotmail.com. hope to get a mail from you.
  • soyel said on July 5, 2012
    pls tell me, I am in the northern part of ghana where we have just approx 3 months of rainfall and the rest of the months dry. how long does it take to mature? when should cultivation start? which variety would be good for our climate? I am interested in sunflower and would love to produce and sell.
  • mary said on July 5, 2012
    hi guys, i am mary from kenya and working with groups promoting sunflower activities. already we have more than 100 tons to be harvested by sep. 2012 but the challenge is the market. please help with the market for these seeds because we want to continue with the activity before we set up a plant for processing oil. (if interested to support through the machine you are welcome) kindly contact me through +254 725 900 479, mwanjera@gmail.com. thanx
  • eunice madziwa said on July 23, 2012
    hie guys. i'm in zim and am considering starting an oil pressing business. i am looking for assistance of where i could buy affordable sunflowers before i can start growing my own. call 0775511908
  • Mr Valley said on August 30, 2012
    i have a 100 hector land in south africa , rustenburg area , will like to find out how many tons of sunflower can it produce and who are the buyers of sunflower. Contact me on +27733487180
  • paul eke said on September 1, 2012
    I need to know how to get sunflower and how much can I get it , pls if u have any u are sure pls contact me on this .kobihotmail@yahoo.co.uk .. 08134942628 . Pls its important to me I need to start the farm this year pls am waiting.
  • paul eke said on September 1, 2012
    Hi ! I am paul 4rm nigeria and I need to know where and how to get sunflower seed to start up my farm , pls contact me on +234 8134942628 , Email ! Kobihotmail@yahoo.co.uk ! Tankz and God bless u
  • S.J.Chandrakumar said on September 19, 2012
    srilanka, Hai i am in srilanka i like to start the sunflower oil extraction business here. i am totally blank about this i need to know more about the infrastructure for setting up the oil extraction business and the market to sell it.
  • Gael SORO said on September 20, 2012
    Hello gentlemen and ladies, I do hope all you are doing well! I'm Gael SORO, from Ivory Coast, working as Purchasing and representative of a company from India. I am looking for "Sunflowers" from a farmers in Africa or all over the world. As per your draft, if someone can supply us the product. Please mail me on sorogael@gmail.com/soro.gael@aiesec.net. Yours faithfully! Gael SORO
  • dorothy said on October 13, 2012
    i am in South Africa, Rustenburg, interested in sunflower farming. Could you please send me more information of type of soil needed, when to start ploughing etc
  • simon kuria said on October 20, 2012
    Am based in Kenya. Am interested in buying sunflower seeds from farmers in kenya. Kindly give them my email address above and we can do business. Regards Simon
  • simon kuria said on October 20, 2012
    If you are in Kenya and want to venture in sunflower seed production kindly drop me an email at simonkuria1@gmail.com
  • Jude said on October 22, 2012
    I'am jude from srilanka. How to refine sunflower oil in home
  • Hiren lakum said on October 28, 2012
    i am from india (gujrat), i have 40 acres land for farming so i would like to farming of sunflower. so how we can farming of this and what will be cost per acre of sunflower farming. so give me advise for this farming an seed for plant . also give information for environment condition for farming. please help me ....
  • Leo Heyke said on November 2, 2012
    Dear Sir, We are in need for Refined and Crude Sunflower Oil, Used cooking oil, Fresh Cooking oil and Rapeseed oil. Please send us your keenest prices for volumes till 6000Mt per month CIF Europe. Also please send us the technical specifications and terms of payment.ur email address is: unigrants@kpnmail.nl. Hope to hear from you soon. Best regards, Universal Grants, Leo Heyke
  • Titus said on November 21, 2012
    Hello, my location is Tanzania in a district called Korogwe and the town is called mombo. I own more than 400 acres. Previously I have been farming maize. I would like to farm sunflower, press the oil and sell the end product. Please advise.
  • Joel said on December 1, 2012
    I have 25 acres of virgin land some 30km south of Kabwe town in the central province of Zambia. I previously cleared 4 acres and planted maize for two consecutive seasons. I now wish to switch to sunflower farming since a cooking oil factory /plant has been built some 40km from my land. Please furnish me with all the data I need as a layman -from when to plant, how, what precautions to take etc. I need this data soon because the rain season has started and growing of many crops is on going. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
  • Kakembo Martin Luther said on December 1, 2012
    i am in Jinja, Eastern Uganda. For three years i have been in the business of producing sun flower oil on small scale-280 liters a day. The oil is pressure filtered and naturally clarified-no chemicals used. The quality of seeds from farmers is very poor-low oil yield. I am looking for funding to procure good quality seeds-hybrid to be distributed to selected contract farmers on credit. please assist-Email: kakembomartin@gmail.com. Martin
  • klay reschke said on December 9, 2012
    hey, i'm a south australian who runs a truck and owns a small property who's interested in growing sunflowers for biofuel for the truck, can you please send me more info please. cheers
  • mgore flavian said on December 22, 2012
    hi! am tanzanian. i would like to know more about sunflower market worldwide plz send for me relevant information
  • ganesh said on December 25, 2012
    I request you send to detail information about sunflower farming. I am from small village called vadod, surendranagar, india. thanks
  • H.C. Sharma said on December 28, 2012
    I want to do farming in sunflower. I am situated about 100 kms from Delhi, India. I want to know where to get quality seeds and where to sell the produce etc.
  • hassan ngulo said on December 28, 2012
    hi guys! am in tanzania(iringa village-kibena), i want to do farming of sunflowers in next year that 2013/2014 from 12/2013 to 06/2014, am student of mzumbe university i wish to complete my bachelor in 2014, so i would like to have an income when i backhome, what i am asking for is about quality seed of sunflowers for cooking oil and is it possible to plant sunflower when the rain start to rain?
  • mohan said on January 4, 2013
    hai sir, i am mohan from thamilnadu. my sunflower farm is 12 acre. Birds is very problem. any solution to keep away from birds.
  • stephen miron said on January 11, 2013
    i have 20 acres that i was thinking about planting in sunflowers can u send me some info thanks
  • prasath.V said on January 18, 2013
    Hi i am Prasath from Tamilnadu (Kanchepuram Dist). I have 4 Acres of land & I would like to do Sunflower farming. I need the complete breakup like market to buy & sell seeds, Which month would be good for sowing seeds, Irrigation, harvesting. Full complete details head to toe. Cheers .
  • Francis N said on January 21, 2013
    Hi ALL, Am francis from Nairobi Kenya, I have a ONE TONNE a Day Mill which is Electricity powered, It uses Three phase Power. I did the milling business for one year and its very profitable, my source of sunflower seeds was Kenya Western and Uganda Lira, I was able to sell all the oil without delay. the only problem is the source of the seeds, Black seeds (hybred from kenya seed produces good oil percentage, I still Have the mill and any body interested can contact me via franckenyan@gmail.com for more details. Sunflower oil is very good and when its pure you will enjoy the full benefits. franco
  • Laurent said on January 24, 2013
    Western Kenya, I need ideas/facts on how to plant sunflower for cooking oil purposes, benefits, minimum acreage etc
  • Phath Moeun said on January 29, 2013
    Hi, I'm living in Cambodia and have six acres of land that I want to start planting Sunflower for oil/snack. I was wondering, can you grow sunflower in cambodia? Is there a buyer? and how much per lbs or kilo? Please provide with info... Thank you for your time. best regards, Phath Moeun
  • Mary said on January 29, 2013
    I am in MI, Ann Arbor area. What is the smallest number of acres needed to make a business worthwhile? We have 2 possibly 6 acres to work with. I am also interested in business grant information.
  • abigail e mensah said on February 4, 2013
    I am in Ghana my enterprise wants to go into sunflower farming can i get a buyer?
  • santa gloria said on February 6, 2013
    Am located in Kitgum District and interested to grow sunflower this year. I want help on high quality seeds, field preparation, planting month/period, fertilizers, how many times of weeding, harvest period and transportation to Mukwano warehouse for sale
  • Nurse Pasipanodya said on February 8, 2013
    I would like to start a sunflower growing project utilizing my late parents small holding in Matabeleland in Zimbabwe. My aim is to help people around to also start their own sunflower growing projects to be self sufficient. Is there a buyer of sunflower?
  • BRIAN JOGO said on February 12, 2013
    after following your posts quite sometime, my mind is made up to venture to sunflower. please send me a viable business plan for a sunflower project?
  • Egulau Alfred said on March 9, 2013
    I grow sunflower and i have a small oil expeller. but i have no basic skills on how to deal with the by- products like the fine cake and how to make soap from the byproduct please in case there is training concerning sunflower please invite me.
  • Yvonne Maila said on March 18, 2013
    Hi, I would like to grow sunflower in the Tzaneen area of Limpopo province of South Africa. please supply me with the detailed information on Costing, labour requirement, salable varieties and plant requirements and specification. And the available markets around the province or South Africa.
  • T0M OGACHI said on March 18, 2013
    i wish to have more information on sunflower production kisii county kisii town
  • Perera said on April 3, 2013
    Hi there, I would like to start a farm in Sri Lanka for the purpose of oil extraction. Greatly appreciate if you can send more details regarding seed selection, density, oil extraction process and oil extraction machines and any other important advices. Thanks
  • Jahni Taylor said on April 6, 2013
    Hi there I am in Brisbane Australia and an looking to start a farm for the purpose of oil or bird seed. If you could please send me some more information it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  • benedict killagane said on April 7, 2013
    I am in Tanzania and I want to start growing sunflower in the southern part of Tanzania. I would like to get advice on this type of business. I would also like to get common sunflower diseases and pests and their photos. Furthermore how can I start breeding my own sunflower seeds for planting?
  • dora said on April 8, 2013
    I live in south east asia and would like to start a sunflower farm. I've grown a few stalk of sunflowers before. :D but as a biz by growing it in vast land, it's not easy. I'd appreciate it if you could send me more information on how to grow sunflowers and be successful in this type of biz. thank you.
  • Nyasha denhere said on May 4, 2013
    Hie am nyasha from zimbabwe, i would like to start growing sunflower for oil in our rural areas in rusape, but am worried i may not have the market in our country may you please provide me with places i can have market. I wish to start my project in the 2013/2014 farming season
  • Edmond Nkhungulu said on May 15, 2013
    Am yet to develop my farm in Chipata, Eastern of Zambia, and one of the projects i would like to venture in is sunflower production and processing and i need info on what equipment i need to procure and from where.
  • Waheed Oluokun said on June 2, 2013
    Hi, am Mr Waheed Oluokun, presently am in London to study, but I have 100 Acres of land in Eruwa Oyo State of Western part of Nigeria West Africa. I would like to venture in sunflower production and processing, do please furnish me the information on what equipment I need to procure and where do I get them.
  • Rohra Srichand said on June 10, 2013
    plan to grow Sunflower in Tanzania, Tabora region, about 200 acres. please give idea of seed needed, planting, harvesting, i am New in this field.
  • Samuel Taban J Kilombe said on June 14, 2013
    I am a farmer in South Sudan with plenty land to grow sunflower. I am looking for interested companies/ Individuals who are interested in Sunflower seed multiplication to contact me so that we can arrange a a joint venture on sunflower seed multiplication. After which we shall consider sunflower oil processing. Samuel Taban J Kilombe.
  • Samuel Taban J Kilombe said on June 14, 2013
    Arnold-in Zimbabwe, If you are interested in getting Sunflower seed. Contact me so that we can enter into business where I can produce the Sunflower seed for you. What I need is what quantity of seeds you need I will produce them for you. Rewgards, Samuel Taban J Kilobe, skilombe@gmail.com.
  • VICTOR AGISA said on June 14, 2013
    Hi guys, i'm in Bomet county willing very much to grow sunflower. please advice on how to grow , harvesting , and where to sale . Thanks
  • Manish Desai said on June 29, 2013
    Hi i am in valsad Gujrat state. pls advise on how to grow ,soil & weather suitable for sun flower farming.
  • Alejandro Alvarez said on June 30, 2013
    I as well have some good land in the Sierra of Michoacan state in Mexico it grows wild so I've been want it to farm it. a) which sunflower better for oil, for ornamental , for human consumption. b) cost of production. c)For a profit of $100000. usd how much land do I need. Thank you.
  • Justin said on July 4, 2013
    i live in southern province of zambia in kalomo district. supply me with basics of planting sunflower up to harvest time. Also supply me with data for making chicken feed, dairy feed for cows and others using only sunflower cake and maize bra.
  • Ravi said on August 5, 2013
    hello, i am living in gujarat, india. we are producing good quality of sunflower oil but we dont get reasonable price for an oil , so whoever interested in selling of good quality of sunflower oil and if anyone want know about our growing and production plans ,can free to ask us on ravi.babariya@gmail.com.
  • venu said on September 3, 2013
    Hello, I am Venu, I am planning to harvest sunflower seed around 50 acres on this october. Please suggest me which company seed is best to produce more quantity? And how much price the company offering to the farmers per a Quinta (100 kg)?
  • sanjay vaghani said on October 8, 2013
    hi! I belong to gujrat I am planning to harvest sunflower i have land in saurashtra region please suggest me can it possible
  • Joy Zaiah said on October 18, 2013
    Am a business woman with a big business in East Africa. I have ready market for the produce. how much do you produce and what is your selling price. Get in touch with me so we can discuss the details.
  • nagendren said on November 4, 2013
    i would like to start growing sunflower for oil in our rural area in sri lanka eastern province- please advice me.
  • legina said on November 5, 2013
    hey everyone i have a large farm and i plant sunflower if there is anyone who would like partnership?
  • v.vinay kumar said on November 28, 2013
    I am vinay I would like to start sunflower oil refinery. just need what was the entire cost of refinery what are the items should be there please send me the details. i am from vizianagaram district andhra pradhesh india
  • Lovemore said on December 21, 2013
    I am lovemore nyakazela in Zimbabwe, a consultant agronomist, may you send me full info on sunflower production i am helping a group of woman in managing a one hetr of of sunflower. Thank you .
  • Shadreck Ncube said on December 30, 2013
    I need to know how much can i buy an oil pressing machine in south africa ,i want to start this project, please help
  • teboho Tsotetsi said on January 8, 2014
    Please assist me as I am trying start a farming project of the production of oil seeds. Can you kindly send me all the information to make this happen.
  • Raghu said on January 12, 2014
    Location : Bangalore, Karnataka, india! I wanna start off with a sunflower farm on a Business front. Thanks in advance.
  • Tash Mwanza said on March 8, 2014
    Harare, Zimbabwe, and i desire to start a small cooking oil production entity mainly using sunflower or soyabean. How much would i need as start-up capital using factory space of about 500 sq meters?
  • D.B.Biswakarma said on April 9, 2014
    How to start the firming and where to get its market. Analysis of profit. Thanking you, D.B.Biswakarma. Bokakhat, Dist- Golaghat, State:Assam
  • smruti ranjan rath said on May 11, 2014
    I have prepared the land , and ready for cultivation of sunflower, but can it be possible on rainy day to cultivate, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India. 9937084999
  • Kayula Chewe said on May 28, 2014
    I'm interested in growing sunflower? Can I grow it in Chisamba area(Near LUSAKA) Zambia? Give more information e.g
    1. What is the maximum yield per acre?
    2. What fertilizers should I use
    3. How can I control pests and diseases
    4. Does it require a lot of rain/water
    5. How many does to maturity 91 days, 115 days etc
    6. What varieties are available
  • Solly Modungoa said on June 2, 2014
    Hi I want to start growing sunflower. Please send me information on which equipments and machinery should I use. I have 23 acres of land.SOUTH AFRICA
  • wesley said on June 5, 2014
    i want to start a sunflower farm in kericho plz give me the initial capital cost to plan one acre. the estimate output i kilos per acre, the amount of fertilizers need
  • GAUTAM BAURI said on June 10, 2014
    Hi I am gautam and i live in small village in Asansol west-Bengal, i want to start sunflower cultivate, can u give me about all details of cultivate sunflowers like-how much to spent, land require, how i can extract seeds etc.
  • yohannes yifter said on July 31, 2014
    can you please help me on how to start the sunflowers please?
  • Bongi Skosana said on July 31, 2014
    Hi, I'm in South Africa. I'm interested in sunflower farming. I do not have the slightest idea on how to farm these and therefore would like you to advice me on the simplest thing to do with the crop once harvested .(For business purposes). Thanking you in anticipation.
  • Sally said on August 14, 2014
    Hi, I am interested in starting a sunflower plantation in Ghana. I invite potential buyers to contact me so they can let me know their desired variety. I have already made arrangements concerning land for cultivation and raising capital to take off will not be a problem at all. All i need now is an assurance from a potential buyer. thanks. salo019@yahoo.com
  • Nick said on August 21, 2014
    Hi, I'm in western kenya. I'm interested in sunflower farming. I do not have the slightest idea on how to farm these and therefore would like you to advice me on the simplest thing to do with the crop once harvested. What volumes are required for small scale oil processing and any other advice for business purposes. Thanking you in anticipation.
  • Victoria Vibert said on September 2, 2014
    Hi, I live in Yorkshire and as a trial I grew sunflowers in my garden this year that are almost ready for harvesting. My garden is a piece of old farmland and the soil in the surrounding fields is the same. I plan to ask to rent more land from the farmer to start a sunflower farm for birdseed and flower markets. Please can you send me some more information and any useful links on gaining any funding to start an organic farm. Many thanks Victoria
  • Fungayi Matara said on September 5, 2014
    hi am in zimbabwe chiredzi. am considering presenting a project proposal for a rural sunflower and cooking oil project may you assist with figures.
  • Migan said on October 23, 2014
    i am in kenya nyanza province i have about 10 acres and wish to venture into sunflower farming and oil extraction, i would like to know if there are groups organisations with an interest in the same venture for i have a desire to enter into mass production .for anybody interested in the sunflower cooking oil extraction, chicken feeds among other subsidiary products can contact me on these numbers-+254728304857 ,or+966592744597
  • francis said on October 25, 2014
    Hi am in kenya muranga county and i have 2 acres of land in muranga and 3 acres in kapteni area of olkalaou and i wish to start sunflower farming in both farms. May you please advice on the best variety of seeds for this areas for they lies in different climate and also probable buyers.
  • abraham Phiri said on November 1, 2014
    Interest in crop production especially cash crops like sun flower and soyabeans
  • Felix said on December 7, 2014
    I'm a graduate in Ghana who has interest in sunflower oil production but need credible information on every aspect from weather conditions necessary for good yield to market conditions in my country. Hoping to hear from you.
  • Dion Egumbo said on December 7, 2014
    I have a strong passion to farm with sunflower, so in needy of motivation and all necessary information. I am in Namibia. Please help
  • Deo said on December 19, 2014
    dear sirs/ms, we are interested to grow sunflower, and use the seed for sprouting will be thankful to u,
    please mail information regarding
    1)what type of seed we need
    2)estimated production per acre
    3)seed needed per acre
    4)soil and temperature suitable
    thanking u in anticipation, best regards, Deo
  • Hira Lal Rawani said on March 4, 2015
    I am from Jharkhand India, and am going to farming of sunflower. So could you please tell me about the company where I can sell the seeds of sunflower.
  • Case said on March 18, 2015
    Hello, We like to start with sunflowers for pressing oil. We love to sell or own grown and made products on our farm and markets. We live in southern Ontario Canada.
  • ankie Otukile said on April 8, 2015
    I'm interested in sunflower farming in Botswana ( Rangatakgosi farms ) 45 km from Gaborone, have 16 hacters so would like to know the basics, e.g what type of seed we need for cooking oil extraction , seed needed p/hecter, what fertilizers to use, how may days to maturity, what varieties are available, what will be the selling price in Botswana
  • Thando said on April 21, 2015
    Hi I would like to start a sunflower farming however I want to know about it, meaning if I can get more information about it. what hectors of land do I need at least, what type of seed is needed in an inland area, also the market.
  • Willie Makasela said on April 21, 2015
    I have planted sunflower and looking for place to sell.
  • Capt. Mhina H. said on June 11, 2015
    I am a retired pilot who wants to go on farming of sunflower on commercial scale, especially for oil extraction. I have my native land in Tanga region in Tanzania about 15 acres, where my father's knowledge was only cultivating beans. I am serious in investing in this farming but I have no idea about it at all. Marketing I know will not be a problem. I need your help how to start and the way forward on this project
  • kayiwa hassan said on August 5, 2015
    I am a ugandan in mityana district a friend told me about sun flower growing and i would like to start it . How much seeds does an acre take? and what is required of me . thanks.
  • fazljoo said on August 16, 2015
    hello, I'm iranian. i wish to sell our family's sunflowers. this product is in seyvan village of khoy city .but we can't sell them. they are the best seeds, in fact they are black seeds. would you like help us how to find customer, sell and export our product to another countries. special thanks. fazljoo
  • arvind srivastav said on September 9, 2015
    My business location in jharkhand. How many sunfllower seeds are required for Ten Acres land, Pls tell me? How many profit can be earn in 10 Acres of land If i cultivate in total land?
  • mwaniki said on September 25, 2015
    Hi am from Kenya and very much interested in growing sunflowers on my 4acres in thika town in kiambu county. I would kindly like to know if the size of the land is enough to give a significant amount of produce for this kind of farming and how much does a ton go for on the kenyan market. thanks in advance.
  • Kirimi said on September 30, 2015
    Hi everyone. İ am from Kenya and i am doing Sunflower farming and soon i will be producing virgin Sunflower oil. There are two types of Sunflower seeds. Low oil Sunflower seeds used to feed livestocks, high oil Sunflower used to produce Sunflower oil. High Sunflower oil have oil content of 30-45%. Maturity days of Sunflower varies with the hybrid variety. There iş enough information in the internet about Sunflower farming. Sunflower grow well in a wide range of climates. My contacts are kiriminesbit@gmail.com.
  • Modisa Koko said on October 5, 2015
    Hi.I am from Botswana and I would like to start a sunflower farm to supply a newly opened sunflower oil plant.I would like to know whether I would be able to make profit on a 10hectors of land.I also kindly would like to know the sort of irrigation method I can implore since my area is very hot.
  • joan k said on October 6, 2015
    Am Joan from Uganda and would like grow sunflower . I would like to know where to get seeds from and there prices, how much quantity of seed goes in an Acre, how do I maintain the crop, how to harvest the crop and the technicalities involved, and where to sell the sunflower and the market price. Regards
  • Lenin said on October 14, 2015
    Hi,I have been growing maize in Lusaka Zambia, but want to diversify to crops like sunflower.Please send me the start-up information for sunflower farming.
  • Kopano said on October 16, 2015
    Hi, I'd like to know what I need in order to start a sunflower oil manufacturing business in Lesotho.
  • Nicholas said on February 12, 2016
    I'd to grow sunflower in Samia, a Sub-County of Busia. Would you kindly send some information relating to: 1. Suitable seed 2. Maturity period 3. Expected yield per acre Thanks
  • Patricia said on April 9, 2016
    Hi,I'd like to know what I need in order to start a sunflower oil manufacturing business in Kinshasa , DRCôngo
  • Adam said on May 3, 2016
    I love this topic, please i need more information on how to start sunflower farming, in nigeria, Abia state.
  • kristine said on July 19, 2017
    hi i am interested i have a 1.5 hectares farm in Phlippines and i am interested bec i am planning to have a small Sunflower oil making Machine but i dont know where to start any advise Thanks


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