Starting Bee Farming
Many have trodden the path of starting bee farming as a hobby and ending up making this their source of financial wealth. If you are interested in making this your hobby too and making money at the same time, then follow the tips given in this article.
Many have already jumped on this bandwagon called bee farming and probably you are also interested in starting bee farming that is why you are reading this.

This endeavor can begin as a simple hobby or pastime that usually stems from a love of the outdoors. But this hobby can be a lucrative job you have never imagined. One selling point of backyard bee farming is the quality it has over those manufactured types you see in the supermarket. This is already one point for you to earn big bucks if you succeed in this business venture.
Now to the question of how one can be successful in starting bee farming is another matter. Below are general tips on how to do this and let you start the right way to your bee farming success.
Research Entails Starting Bee Farming
If you are not yet a bee farming hobbyist and barely knowledgeable about the scientific nature of this farming style then you will need to do some research first so that starting bee farming for you is set on the right track. You need to know first and foremost what kind of bee is appropriate for your location and geography. There are many types of bees and this means some need a specific climate for them to grow and thrive. After researching on this main point, you must learn how to take care of them. Bees are not like domesticated animals like dogs and bee farming is totally a different career than dog breeding for example. Knowing the basics of how to take care of them, know their needs, and know the appropriate environment for them is essential.
Beekeepers Are also Important in Starting Bee Farming
Understanding that you are still new to the business of bee farming, the best way to learn how to do it is by contacting the beekeeper's society in your local area. From them, you can learn how to take care of the most important member of your bees: the queen. From them, they will check regularly the status of your queen and see that everything will run smoothly.
A Small Space is All You Need in Starting Bee Farming
Far from your idea that probably starting bee farming needs a spacious land area, the truth is that you can start your bee farming even on your own backyard or even rooftop for that matter. In order for you to start a hive of forty, you only need a little room for that.
- 00: Thane, Maharashtra, India. i would like to start a bee farm plz help me if you can. best regards. nv
- I would like to start the bee farm near dindugal tamil nadu. i need 100 bee boxes urgently and also good trainer needed . Please send us nearest place of bee farm contact details. mobile no. 9150281805. Thanks.
- Interested in starting bee farming. Location: Ibadan - Nigeria. Climate - Hot (Average of 32*c. Kindly advice on how to proceed. Regards.
- My business plan location Eastern Africa “Ethiopia Oromiya region Debezayit city”. I have poultry farm and I am starting bee farm if you are interested please send me the book and other necessary material especially for technical support for bee farm
- i am very interested in bee farming. wanting to go full scale for honey and such do you know of any way to get grants for farming bees and foods plants. i live in the east Texas area, from Beaumont to Himp Hill area is where the plans for the far will be. any inside info will be very much app. i know where to get the gear for this endeavor just looking to see about financial backing of this endeavor. have a very strong business plan drawn up. thx for any help and God Bless
- would like to start the bee farm near COIMBATORE tamil nadu. i need 100 bee boxes urgently and also good trainer needed . Please send us nearest place of bee farm contact details. mobile no. 9843237661. Thanks.
- I greatly like to start up bee farming full scale though strain by where to obtain beehive from and also some technical support i.e beehives, bees and bee plants. Is there any organization you can refer me to for necessary support? I have heard that there is an organization called Agro Germany issuing out beehives to bee farmers in Kenya but i am not sure. I am from Kenya, Nairobi, Contact +254720863532. Best regards, Kisham
- I am Abaya Benti from Ethiopia (East Africa). I have been planning to have bee farm at southern part of Ethiopia place called Awassa (SNNPRS) I need sample business plan or proposal and advice for bee business beginner if there is any organization or individual to advise me most welcome
- i would like to start bee boxes in my house in palani as small scale and hobby. any organization to help to develop this to a large scale as progressive way. I sought a sincere help
- i am fredddie from philippines...were climate is tropical...i want to start this kind of business. pls, send help me...
- i am cocoy from cebu, philippines, i live 83kms from the city and the climate is tropical. i want to venture this kind of endeavor, pls help me how to start. i'm waiting for your response.
- My location is in the Philippines and I have a property which is suitable for a bee farm. I tried to contact some local bee farmers but to no avail. Please help me with the basics on how to start a business venture in bee farming. Regards
- Hi, I am from Pondicherry. I would like to start beep keeping as a business. I am very much interested in it. I am ready to invest till 5 lakhs. Please provide me details about where i can get trained on bee keeping and all related details. Please do respond as soon as possible. My contact is:+919894441623.. Awaiting your early response
- Hi, I am rajesh from dharmapuri, tamilnadu, and i am very interesting to form a BEE Farm, i need the details of the Farming, and i also want to know budgeting of the BEE Farms.... I am eagerly waiting for the reply, thanks in advance. regards from Rajesh Sampath
- I want to start bee farming in the North West Province town of Mafikeng in South Africa. I have a 30 hacter farm and i don't know where to go and how to start. Please help!
- I live in Bayamon Puerto Rico/USA I am trying build my own Bee Farm. I have read a lot of material in the internet and I have taken several courses from the internet in Beekeeping. I have also observed bees in action and they are fascinating, I have grown to like it and I want to have my own Bee Farm. I don't know how to write a Grant application, thats one way to find the funds that I need to buy the land or (rent the Land) and the equipment needed to start. I have become a member of a local Bee Association to help me practice Beekeeping. If you can help me in the writing of a Grant application or know do me one that can help me,I would appreciated. I am a veteran, but my own organization doesn't seem to understand any need of help in this endeavor. SO I have discarded them as they have discarded me. Ans I am looking for help from other government agencies that believe in the importance of Beekeeping. Thank you for your help on this. Respectfully: Felix Torres
- hi, i am from the philippines and would like to start a bee farm / honey trade business.
- I am Peter George from Southern Highlands, West of Tanzania, East Africa. I am planning to venture in this kind of farming business, I would request more information on how to go about this project
- I'm from Legazpi City Philippines and very much interested in bee farming; will greatly appreciate any help, thanks
- hi! i am from the Philippines, i have bee farms in leyte, cebu & bohol. i am a supplier of honeybees, beekeeping tools & equipment. i also willing to trainee individuals who are willing to invest in this kind of hobby or business. For more info. call/ text @ 09286659044 / 09335106994
- Am a farmer at ndeiya semi arid area of kiambu 40kms from Nairobi in Kenya.Am wishing to improve my traditional hives to modern n improve productivity .I welcome partners ,researchers to change our locality in better farming methods.
- I am a pastor of a local assembly church in Lira Northern Uganda an area which was devastated by lord's resistance war for over twenty years and the level of poverty is so high. I have initiated a bee keeping project in our church and some few members have shown interest, but given the state of war from which they have come it is still very difficult to take off. Is there any way you can assist us to identify some organizations which can be willing to help us improve on this endevour? Thanks, Pastor Dickens Okello
- I'm in Bicol near Mayon Volcano, in the Philippines. I belong to a region where it always rains and typhoon prone. Our location is surrounded by mountains. Can I used local bees here? What will be my indicator in selecting bees? I Plan to look for local bees and have a custom- made bee hive. Don't have yet a detailed idea but will work on it. Any advice so far?
- i wish to start a bee farm as a hobby and a business. kindly give me the guidelines and the necessities required.
- Biu plateau, Borno state Nigeria is my business location. Thanks for your willingness to assist, i very much appreciate because I cant wait to start bee keeping
- I am also interested in bee farming, but how should I start it? is my question. As stated I need to coordinate with the bee keepers in my locality but again, how would I meet them? is the question. I am from Kauswagan Lanao del Norte, it is just around 20 kilometers south of Iligan City or 121 kilometers south of Cagayan de Oro, are there any beekeepers in these major Cities? Please if ever there is a chance can you please give me e hint? Thanks
- Thanks a lot for the Information, I have initiated a project for my community in bee keeping but we still lack the resources to acquire all the required equipment and training. Can you kindly recommend for us any founders who will provide us with a grant for our project.
- I am very interested to go into Bee Farming and therefore need to gather as much related information as possible so I am well informed about the industry that I intend to venture into. I am from Papua New Guinea and based in Lae, Morobe Province
- @ andrew lana. If you reside in Ibaddan you can contact Beekeeping Extension Society as well on this number 08055203894. Though they have branch in ijebu ode but i know they can assist you. Thanks
- guide me to set bee farming at the rooftop of my house.
- I would like to start bee farming in the Philippines. Location is in Tanay were I have 3 hectares of land with a lot of trees. Please help me so I can have time to converse with you.
- I would like to start a bee farming in Cebu Philippines My area is in the City and I wanted to utilize my roof top which is a 3rd floor for this Farming , Kindly advice me if it is possible for me to start this hobby.
- I live in the mountains here in Cebu in The Philippines and recently my American friend shipped two new bee hives along with supers will all frames and foundations from USA to get started in bee keeping. What I need now is to buy a good colony of bees. anyone know where I can buy a colony here? Thanks.
- Dear sir, i am from south ethiopia i want work on bee farming this is my dream . Now i have seven traditional beehives . i want to change to the modern . also i want to additional reading books please send by post box 5648 Ethiopia civil service . also how i get modern beehives , please help fanatically and materially . i am waiting your replay . i want to free from poverty . bless you ,thanks
- i would like to start a bee farming in Palakkad, Kerala, pl send some vendor details.
- Dear sir am from eastern part of the country Haramaya district who is in need of help to start bee farming, please help me to prepare the best business plan, Thanks
- I would like info on all your above suggestions about becoming a beekeeper. I am in Southern Mozambique. Farming will mainly b 2 use honey 4 its medical/healing qualities here in our poor district + 2 boost our (community work) finances by selling. Thx you
- I would like to start a bee farm. I live in Nsawam in the Eastern Region of Ghana with very little funds. I would like to know how much it will cost me to start a bee farm. I would also like to have suggestions on bee keeping.
- my brother owns a bee farm in Australia and as of now we are expanding in our country, we have materials and products available here in the Philis. but we need farm who are interested our products, would you recommend those who want to try our bee products.
- I am a kenyan and with living Thika 45 km from Nairobi on a semi-arid area, and I am interested to bee farming. Please advice on how much it would cost me and how involving the project is.Thanks in advance.
- i am jonie fuertes from bohol, philippines, i live in loboc, bohol and the climate is tropical. i want to venture this kind of business bee farming, pls help me how to start. i'm waiting for your response. here is my cell no 09103128104 and also you can find me in FACEBOOK
- i am from thiruvannamalai tamilnadu and i would like to start a small honey bee farm please guide me.
- Hie I'm Zimbabwean and I'd like to know everything about bee farming. I want to start a honey farming project. Please assist me a manual or guide
- hi, i want to start beekeeping in south australia , but do not know how to start, please help me thanks
- I would like to start the bee farm at solapur Maharashtra India. Please send me detailed information about. Thanks& Regards D D Patil
- i would like to start a bee farm so i need information about bees and where i can find assistance in capital am in harare zimbabwe
- I'm bed arts student. I am kenya and a resident of kericho county. The weather fevaurs beekeeping . I've 20 kenya top bar hives. I'ld like to modernize my project for high production of honey through modern hives and equipments such as langstrots hives, smoker and honey extractor. I therefore, need your help on this. With thanks
- i would like to start a bee farm in henderson, nevada
- I would like to start a bee farm at Ikyogen, Benue state Nigeria. My location is a hilly environment with a lot of trees and moderate sun shine, Pls advice.
- It is my wish to start a bee farm. Please help me if you have any information.
- I am retired and like to start raising bee as a hobby and also for small scale business. I already did some readings on this but need some more technical advice and mostly addresses of suppliers for honey raising in Manila Metropolis, Philippines. Help!
- i am a trained beekeeper. kindly contact me on
- i am from pondicherry in india. i need hive boxers and also training in aquiculture nearby.
- Hi I am having 8 hectors farm in Mahikeng in south Africa. I am interested in commercial bee farming. Please advice
- hi, i would like to start a bee farm in eastern cape south africa. i would like to teach other people whliest learning myself.. have experience in business and like to start with that. tanks neville
- Hi, i would like to start a bee farm in Nyanga, Zimbabwe. I want to know which trees must be planted so that you maximize quantity and quality. Also i need the information on the set up of the bee hives e.g per hectare of planted trees how many bee hives can i erect. Can you provide me with diseases which affects bee and types of bees which suit the above mentioned area and country.
- hi i want to start bee farming, kindly guide me, i am from tamil nadu, cuddalore dist, viruddhachalam,
- hi there, i want to start bee farming in Hurm, Austeria
- Am an nigerian, am interested in bee farming i want guide on how to start and where can i get equipment for the farming in nigerai
- I would like to start a bee farm in small scale first. I am planning to set it up in andhrapradesh chittoor, india. pls let me know any such plants are already there near by to chittoor. thanks in advance..
- Hi, i would like to start the bee farm near tiruchy tamil nadu. Please send us nearest place of bee farm contact details. My mail id
- i am having bee farms in tamilnadu (madurai, thiruchencode, surandai). if interested pls mail me to
- Please help. With contact. Details of beekeepers in Del. Galago. Bicol. Philippines
- Hi I am in Arizona and I am interested in starting a bee farm. Please send advice on how to get started.
- I'm already in the business but I want to improve my Hives from logs to better ones I need some body in Zimbabwe to help me. Gokwe Zimbabwe Africa
- Hi. I'm interested in doing a comprehensive bee keeping course in the Philippine during June July this year - preferably close to Manila. Any ideas on whom to contact? Nick Cate.
- hi i am from mangalore(karnataka) i want to start a Bee farming how can i start. i want to know details of it please help me
- My name is Amalia Sem, i from Namibia and i am beekeeping specialist, for recommendation, contact me ,thank you .
- I want to start beekeeping farm in Ethiopia very soon. Please help me how to start this farming by sending some materials. THX
- hai I am nagaradjane from Pondicherry I have 15 bee boxes and I planed 100 and more if you have old mt boxes are new mt boxes in low price please [9865105736] ( you.
- My name is R. Sethuraman. I would like to start a very small scale bee farm at Maruthuvakudi, a small village in Kodavasal Taluk (very near Eravanchery). I now reside in Chennai. For this I require 5 bee boxes and a honey extractor. Interested parties may contact me at 044 24990901, Thank you.
- i would like to start a bees farm in the monroe county or sorounding areas. i would need at least five acres of land to do. can u help me find some available land. i can go in business with the land owner. i can be contacted at 570 421 1326 .i make bees boxes,frames and have 15 years in bee keeping.thanks
- I am interested in bee-farming. I live in Mthatha in the eastern cape province South Africa. I have no experience. Please advise.
- Hi... M from mangalore(karnataka)... I need to learn how to do honeybee farming and from where we get the materials and bee? And I also need to know know what we can start in rainy season?
- Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. i would like to start a bee farming business. please tell me the route to start. my no is 8090083488/ 09452057998.
- i wish to start bee keeping farm in guna madhya pradesh india i have about 100 acres of land well cultivated. kindly advice, thanks
- I am interested in bee-farming in western Nepal. I want to know that how to get information about that business?
- Hi... I am S.Karthikeyan from Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I would like to start Honey Bee Box to be kept 2 or three in my house garden. Those who interest to help me please contact me 98422 - 52076.
- Plumtree. Zimbabwe. Would like to start a bee keeping project.
- kagiso if u are still interested in starting bee farming in mahikeng, please drop me an email
- Lagos , Nigeria I want to know how †o start a bee hive in lagos Nigeria
- I am interested in starting a modern bee farming in Gulu Northern Uganda and would need lots of advice on starting it since i have no experience/required training and would need funding for start up; and or link me to any possible funding agencies that can be of help. right now am looking for five hectors for the apiary and start planting the required trees for the bees.
- I want to start a bee farming business in gesura, obwari, nyamira district, Kisii town, kenya. I need to be advice on how much 100 beehives will cost me, what type of queen bee to use, and also to be helped to start the farming business with those who are around my area, so as to form/start a group of bee farming.
- i want to start a commercial bee keeping project in karamoja uganda for export
- Hi aim tate Lion Kasupi living in Namibia in the small village called puros about 270 km north west opuwo and I want to get more info about how to start a bees farming in our areas because aim hopping that if farming start working it will provide job and benefit, thanks. regard tate Lion kasupi
- Hi. i'm from cebu city phils. i'm selling honeybee colonies & beekeeping supplies. Pls.. do a call or text if your interested my # 09196322718 / 09395252834....
- I am eager to start a bee farming business and needs technical support and information. my location is Essien Udim Local Govt. in Akwa Ibom State Nigeria. What type of bee is suitable for my area and where is the source for bee hives and other equipment.
- am to send a breakdown of my expenses for starting a bee farm in ogun state. as down to earth as how much land i need and the cost including equipment.
- I want u to teach me how to do beekeeping on top of the roof of my house?
- hello i am suman from redhang busty p.o tharpu west sikkim INDIA. i am very much interested in bee farming as i'm nature lover. please give me tips. thank u
- Hello Sir, I am also interested in starting Bee Farming. I am from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Please let me know about the complete project and the requirement needed for starting this. Regards
- hi am tonny from uganda,i need some knowledge on queen rearing.thanks
- I am interested in starting a bee farm in Freeport, Bahamas and would appreciate any advise you can give.
- Hi it's nice to see all them BEE LOVERS! Salutations to all. I am starting my bee farming with two boxes. When succeed INSHALLAH! We all will be exchanging our Honey with joy and pleasure. Best of luck to everyone. Admin please send me the matter to read. Thanks
- Good day sir please sir I need more information about the queen bee and about the developing queen bee(from the egg)and what's the space required between each hive to make harvesting easier. thanks.
- Food Process Engineer by profession, I would like to start up a bee farming plant from farming to bottling in Cameroon for my local why not international market. I would love to have more information on the processing requirements (hives, processing equipment, bottling machine)that optimizes output.
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