How to Make a Catchy Business Flyer

In having your own business, one of the most important aspects that you need to focus into in promoting and marketing your products and services is creating advertisements through airing it in the radio and television, writing-up articles in magazine and newspapers and giving out flyers as well.

Of course, in choosing the mode of advertisement which you will be making use of, it will depend upon your funds.

The success of your promotional strategy will depend upon the appearance of your flyer. There are lots of ways on how you will be able to make them catchy. All you need to have in starting up are the following: tape, scanner, random magazine, printer, photocopier, magic markers, felt tip pens, digital photographs and reliable computer design program.

In making a catchy business flyer, you must select an artistic medium which will be identified by consumers and by your financial status as well. If you lack money, you can start with photocopied or hand-drawn designs. If you would like to grab the attention and the trust of high-end clients, you have no choice but to make use of design programs such as InDesign or Adobe to create a more professional look.

Tips and Tricks on How to Make a Catchy Business Flyer

You also need to identify a creative and innovative idea you are selling. You also need to figure out selling points and the eye-catching images which you can appropriately match with them. Aside from graphic design, you also need to apply journalism principles such as the use of the method 5 Ws and 1 H because this is the general rule of the thumb. This is a great way on how you will be able to present the information well. You also need to remember that the finer details must be printed smaller because the audience must focus on the bigger ones.

You also need to have a very striking business pick up line that will arouse the audience’s interest. You must also do away with ill-defined and mushy terms for your business to be recognized on what it is all about.

A memorable look will also count. If you think that the random note method will click, then you have to cut out letters or images from newspapers and magazines. By using the magic pens, glue, tape, colorful markers and glittery ball point pens your creativity will surely appear. This is the cheapest way on how you can promote your business but it will require more manpower.

If you are into a more professional look, let the computer graphic software do the job. By choosing a great and appropriate graphic design, you will achieve an interesting business flyer. You must also remember to balance the colors, graphics and the text size and styles. By doing this, the overall design will be very eye-friendly to the receivers.

1 Comment

  • Aline Harry said on November 14, 2013
    Good afternoon, First I’d like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to comment on the topic you are discussing. And I’d like to add a tip: printing on one face only of the flyer helps a lot to reach to the point directly without many details, because when the reader finds the flyer front and back he may lose interest to read the flyer. Sincerely, Aline Harry


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