“How to Start Rice Business?”
Comment Page 6

  • Suryanarayan Dwibedi said on March 11, 2015
    Sir i have rice mill i'm interested to supply rice export quality. Thanks, suryanarayan dwibedi, 9861655550
  • Sajeer I said on April 13, 2015
    I want to start a wholesale rice business in Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
  • dhanush beginner adviser said on April 15, 2015
    My business is rice merchant in arni thiruvana malai dist tamil nadu india if u have any doubt call my number 7200594752. Thank you friends

    dhanushkodi358@gmail.com || Consultant

  • ashok kumar said on April 16, 2015
    We are running a small scale rice mill in Theni, Tamil Nadu. currently we are selling in and around our district. If any one like to buy rice from us can contact me by mail. We can supply all over Tamil nadu. Feel free to contact.
  • shivakumar patil said on April 21, 2015
    Dear all, we grow paddy near to raichur Karnataka, we are selling the paddy bags to local dealers. I am planning to start wholesale and retail rice business in bangalore, let me know it will be profitable businesses as I grow paddy. and also let me know the procedure to start the businesses and let me know the marketing strategies...
  • nagaraj bhandari said on April 22, 2015
    Hi, I want to start rice mill at Raichur north Karnataka plz guide me regarding documents machines. I have 10000sq ft open land. my budget is 30 lacs
  • Banks igbinoba said on April 26, 2015
    I have eight acres of wet land in Laos Nigeria I plan to use it for rice farming how do I begin and how much seed do I need to plant on this land?
  • MAHESH KULKARNI said on May 2, 2015
    I wish to start wholesale business of rice. I wish to concentrate on this commodity only. i have planned to keep minimum of 35-40 varieties found in India. Presently i am living in Maharashtra state. pls give me some ideas, which type of license require and license process how to get wholesale license. Please reply.
  • mvrkprasad said on May 3, 2015
    Dear Sir/Madam, I wanted to start rice trading in hyderabad and I hardly know anything about this business. Can any one suggest me how to go about this--any reg/formalities required. Also need to know places near by hyderabad where the best quality rice is available. Finally want to know whether any tax is levied on importing rice from Andhra/other states into hyderabad(telengana) and how much working capital required to start initially.
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on May 3, 2015

    @mvrkprasad, if you are interested for rice shop, you want Food Grain License & salex Tax license. First you decide which area you want, any area no problem but before you survey that area how much population and how many shops have. you want purchase rice wholesale price at Karmanghat rice market and capital depend on area deciding minimum you want 2 lakhs. TKS

  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on May 3, 2015

    @MAHESH KULKARNI, if you want to do wholesale first you learn about rice, in this 35-40 varieties not available and decide you want do Maharashtra or Telangana, Andrapradesh, how much capital possible.

  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on May 3, 2015

    @tina lambert, please you decide you want rice mill for 800-1000 bags paddy or you want rice after only possible estimate and in your area rice bran how much price per 1 ton, how much price husk and electricity, labour charges then possible to do project report otherwise you meet any Charted Accountant he will give.

  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on May 3, 2015

    @narendra kumar, please decide you want Raw Rice or parboiled rice, in Raw rice machinery available from 1/2 ton to 20 tons, parboiled machinery dryers available 8 tons to 100 tons per 1 batch.

  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on May 3, 2015

    @digambar patil, you want rice mill for local sale or exporting within India or other countries after decide only possible machinery suppliers.

  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on May 3, 2015

    @shivakumar patil, direct paddy conserving to rice retail is very big project, this is profitable business but you want first you take contract basis 2-3 years after have experience total you do project possible.

  • Ram Kumar said on May 13, 2015
    We are doing wholesale business of basmati rice(all varieties) and non basmati rice which includes mainly Jeergasambha ,biriyani/raw rice(wada kollam ,sriram, hmt etc). We are based in Madurai and Hyderabad. Wholesalers , exporters ,distributors ,retailers are encouraged to contact us. Contact no: 9994392007
  • pugalendhi said on May 15, 2015
    I want to start a retailer of all branded 25 kilo rice bags in my town, what are the government procedures need to be follow. Kindly advice
  • vivekanand adabang said on May 18, 2015
    Sir, i want to start a business of supplying rice to different part of orissa. I reside in western part of the state. I am totally novice to the business. pl suggest me ,the infrastructure requirement, technique, fund etc. to carry on the business successfully.
  • Actros said on May 20, 2015
    Dear Sirs, We are exporter of Indian basmati, non basmati rice. as well as we supply sugar, wheat, onion to all countries. we do accept letter of credit from reputed banks. but we need orders from genuine buyers. interested parties may contact us. Mob: +91-8714155178 / +91-7025559723
  • arulmani.s said on June 6, 2015
    hi i want to start the rice mill so please how much cost we need please tell me about this i am engineering student south india tamilnadu from perambalur
  • Siddiqui said on June 8, 2015
    Dear Sir/Madam, We introduce ourselves, Liba Rice Trading, With an objective to promote, sustainable services in Agro industry. Our company “Liba Rice Trading” is an established, reliable worldwide network of International clients. We deal in rice (basmati & non-basmati). Liba Rice Trading, Whats App +91-9810214122, Viber +91-9953920590 Call +91-9891562561, skype liba.rice, Email:- libabasmati@gmail.com
  • Shapoor said on July 7, 2015
    Dear Sir/Madam, this is Shapoor from Kabul Afghanistan Firstly I want to start Rice Business as a wholesaler and distributor from our local rice mills and import from India under my own company name and Mark. my hope no-1 quality rice to supply our market as my own brand packing like.... 1kg/3kg/5kg/10kg/20kg/50kg. please suggest me about this business and also give me indian rice supplier address culcutta, Kerala and Tripura. Tanks in Advance, Cell Phone: 0093-772011010
  • Faisal said on July 26, 2015
    I want to start rice business, purchasing the rice from the farmers in different parts and to sell as retailer and would like to open a small shop for rice selling. Pls advise is it a profitable business and what are the government policies to do the same, advise the necessary formalities for opening and maintaining the shop in Jharkhand, thank you
  • sri said on July 27, 2015
    i want to do rice business(wholes and retail) in hyderabad.who give quality rice and low cost so who give credit hyderabad plz give no or brokers no pls
  • Chamanjeet singh said on July 30, 2015
    I want to start a Rice Business From Chatissgarh (india) to Punjab . Buying in wholesale and distributing locally to retailers in Punjab . How do i go about it. Thank you.
  • sathyakrupanand said on August 10, 2015
    Hello sir/mam, this is sathya. i want to start rice export business from Andhra Pradesh to Karnataka and also sell rice as wholesaler and retailer in Bangalore. Plz help me...
  • Venu said on August 13, 2015
    Hi, I am planing to start a business like buying rice from rice mills in Gangavathi and supplying to Wholesalers in Bangalore, Please help me with the information what all the license i required and need to take authorities and formalities for the same, also risks and safety steps. Thank you.
  • chetan said on September 4, 2015
    I am from Andhra pradesh state , India. I want to start rice wholesale , Please advice me how to get all licenses and approvals for transportation. My business is small scale. Please advice thank you
  • rakesh said on September 8, 2015
    hi. i'm rakesh from india bangalore , i want to start a business which is buying rice in wholesale and distributing locally to retailers here in the bangalore city , pls give me some good ideas and some suggestion to succeed and reach my goal! pls send me some very good examples on how to make a business planning for a whole sale and distributor of rice. thank you.. contact me 07259271724
  • pradeep said on September 8, 2015
    hi this is pradeep, i want to give rice franchisees across india, and we will provide you registered customers in your locality. my number - 9391835064
  • k v r murthy said on September 13, 2015
    i am murthy from vizag sir i want up coming rice mills odiisa how can get information pl give me any solution
  • Rajesh Kumar said on October 3, 2015
  • Actros said on October 11, 2015
    Hi,if any wealthy firm looking for expand their agri commodities (basmati / non basmati rice, spices, sugar, wheat) do not hesitate to contact me.I have very good communication with middle east and African buyers. My prefer job location shall be in Mangalore or Delhi. Mob: 08714155178
  • jai said on October 13, 2015
    I want to start rice distribution business small scale like buy paddy from formars and converting to rice and distributing retailers is any licenses is required and it is profitable or not.
  • Puneet chauchan said on October 28, 2015
    You may purchace all kind of rice from me on whole sell price. Kindly contact me on 08923313936
  • kesava rao said on November 3, 2015
    I want to start small rice shop in vizag, andhra pradesh.please tell how to take license from govt. in AP.My no.9492640714.
  • Mahendra said on November 3, 2015
    @pothuganti srinivas , Could you please share your mobile number. I want to talk to you abt the business over the phone. Kindly share it here or else could you please msg me to this number 8147605935. Thanks
  • purusottamdas said on November 17, 2015
    I want to start a rice meal business odisha,puri,kakatpur mob no 8456823075 purusottamdas912@gmail.com
  • Prema latha. konduru said on November 25, 2015
    Sir, Please give us suggestions for starting basmathi rice wholesale business in hyderabad. We plan purchase the rice from other states where lowest cost in india. Which problems are coming in future on legal & marketing side.
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on December 10, 2015
    @Suryanarayan Dwibedi, if you are interested to export you want exporting license and only superior quality only possible after you send machinery manufacturers company possible to give exact reply. If you want any suggestions please contact my mail: srinivaspothuganti1960@gmail.com. TKS
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on December 10, 2015
    @jai, please send your capital investment and which place, then only possible to clarify. Tks.
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on December 10, 2015
    @nagaraj bhandari, yes possible your area your place but you want to take loan, present investment in crores, if you ready please contact my mail; srinivaspothuganti1960@gmail.com
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on December 10, 2015
    @Prema latha. konduru, i think previously I send reply, in Hyderabad good suitable and good margins but only 70% credit sales and lowest price available New Delhi, Hariyana& Pan job. If you are ready and if you want another clarifications please contact my mail ; srinivaspothuganti1960@gmail.com
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on December 10, 2015
    @Rajesh Kumar, if you want export husk bricks contact Thai .
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on December 10, 2015
    Please send total details of paddy, Rice, Bran, Husk with area or contact my mail then possible to give suitable reply. Thank you,srinivaspothuganti1960@gmail.com
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on January 6, 2016

    If anybody interested tostart Rice business at Hyderabad, please contact my mail : srinivaspothuganti1960@gmail.com then i will give paid services.Thank you

  • lovepreet singh said on January 17, 2016
    I want to start the business of rice mills i needs fund can u provide me.
  • Raghunath expert adviser said on January 19, 2016
    @lovepreet singh, we don't have funds to invest in business. we are here to help you on setting up your business. What is your budget? If you have 20-30% of your budget to invest in your business and collateral for bank to finance you then plan for it. Otherwise plan something else.

    Raghunath Natarajan
    Startup Biz Hub - Advisor (Staff)

  • Ravi said on January 24, 2016
    Bokaro, Jharkhand, India, I want to start a business of rice and wheat supply/selling in my area. Please help me that from where I get the rice and wheat means any supplier no . or any other types of guidance.
  • James expert adviser said on January 29, 2016
    @Ravi, do you want to be a wholesaler? You will get 80% rice from the manufacturers in credit so hardly you need to invest anything. Jharkhand and Madhya Pradesh also produce wheat a lot so chances are there you will get this in credit. Do you have around 3-5 lacs to invest?

    Jestin James
    Startup Biz Hub - Senior Advisor (Staff)

  • parikshit said on January 31, 2016
    sir i want to start a rice mill with 1tph capacity i have also my own building and premise.i just want to know about what is the cost of 1tph rice mill machine and govt.rules
  • Sundaram said on February 18, 2016
    Hi please suggest and advise us how to start paddy and rice business in thanjavur , tamilnadu .how much investment required and what are the lenience need to take.await for your kind reply.
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on February 18, 2016

    If you are interested to do trading or manufacturing rice then only possible to give advise and for this you want some experiance also . please send details of your age and present doing business then i will give reply with details.@Sundaram,

  • kumar said on February 20, 2016
    Hello sir I am ABHISHEK KUMAR and I want to start a business but I am confused which business should start I m 30year old I want to becomes a business man do that I can give job for yuth and afcource from same business run my home kitchen too,government motivate ing to yuth I want to do some jenune and good feature scope business, give some idea under 25lac budget
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on March 19, 2016

    @kumar, Thank you for your good opinion and please send which place you want do invest then possible.

  • SAMEER SALOI said on March 28, 2016
  • livhuwani said on May 5, 2016
    i am in south Africa, i want to know if i can grow rice here, if yes where to start
  • V.R.Murali Krishna said on May 21, 2016
    I want start whole sale & retail rice business in Tirupati city. Pl let me know how to get rc from commercial tax office & from where I get rice? & local commercial office number? What should get in these permissions AP vat/CST/tot/Lt/et. Pl let know ?
  • Raghunath expert adviser said on May 22, 2016
    @V.R.Murali Krishna, VAT/TIN/CST are the same. If your sales per year is going to be more than 5 lacs than apply for a VAT license at state authorities.

    Raghunath Natarajan
    Startup Biz Hub - Advisor (Staff)

  • kannan rajasekaran said on June 27, 2016
    I am in Vellore in tamilnadu. I like to business rice how to start and where the rice buying properly please give full detail of new comers.
  • Rakesh kumar sahu said on July 9, 2016
    How to apply rice license
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on July 17, 2016
    @Rakesh kumar sahu, please send which place you want license then only possible to advise because each and every state individual state government systems of rules & regulations have.
  • L.Denino said on August 2, 2016
    We are labay group special in the rice mill machine manufacture. Here we can supply you the series of rice mill machine, color sorter and packing scale. The more information that you can check on our website: www.labaygroup.com. And any question please free to contact with us: denino36@gmail.com. Regards, L.Denino LABAY GROUP
  • faizanmagsi said on August 10, 2016
    good source of knowledge thanks for sharing our interest and acknowledging our interest. thanks startupbizhub
  • NAJMUDDIN BEDAWALA said on August 15, 2016
    HELLO SIR, I AM A SMALL BUSINESSMAN DOING BUSINESS IN KUWAIT. NOW I AM PLANNING TO SETUP MY BUSINESS IN RAJASTHAN INDIA. i want to start a rice mill plant [4TPH]. like to know what is the minimum investment required. what are the machineries & equipment needed for it. what will be the cost of those machineries. SIZE area needed for plant & godown. what will be the total expenditure for it & govt rules regulation OF RAJASTHAN, THANK YOU
  • thirumalaimurugan said on August 18, 2016
    I want to start mini modern rice mill in tirunelveli tamilnadu. how much cost? how do dealing the business in initially.
  • thirumalaimurugan said on August 18, 2016
    I want to start up if any license required in state Govt and central Govt
  • puneet beginner adviser said on August 19, 2016
    if anyone wants to start a rice mill then let me tell you that your calculations have to be very correct as it is a very thin margin business. purchase cost + processing cost + margin = selling price. this is the basic funda of the business but very difficult to match up and also you need to keep the interest on the investment in mind. there are lot of other things which should be taken into consideration such as paddy yield, wastage, broken rice percentage, rice yield, drying percentage, etc. you can call me at 9449834454 for any guidance or help. i am also a rice miller

    Rice Mill Owner

  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on August 23, 2016

    @Suryanarayan Dwibedi,

    Please send Rice quality with machinery details then only possible how to program for selling. Daily production of quantity also send me.


  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on August 23, 2016
    @shivakumar patil, Thank you for your thinking but paddy production is 1 wing after Rice production is one wing another wing finally Rice marketing is one wing, for this you want more experience or you become partner any rice industry then you will success 100%. TKS
  • YESUDAS NAKKA said on August 24, 2016
    I am staying at KOTHAPETA E G Dist AP and retired employee now i want to start retail rice business , What i have to do and the steps to be taken in the initial stages of my business. Please advise is it a profitable business and what are the govt policies to do the same advise the necessary formalities for opening maintaining the shop please. Thanks YESUDAS NAKKA Mobile No 9490188568
  • pothuganti srinivas novice adviser said on September 6, 2016


    Congrats for your thinking, for rice shop open Food grains, Sales tax licenses please apply your Collector office for FGL and sales tax license apply at your local Commercial tax office, after apply immediately possible to start business, for this profit will come per 100 kg RS. 100/- net. TKS

  • Pund Dattatray said on October 8, 2016
    I am from Maharashtra wants to startup basamati rice plant of 50 tonnes per month please tell me total cost of plant including operating costs and also about subsidy
  • Venkat said on October 21, 2016
    i want to do rice business( wholesales and retail) at my home in that, I have small shutter in hyderabad at munaganoor village. who give quality rice and low cost so who will give credit in hyderabad plz give me a call this number 9705633348 no brokers pls
  • Colin abre said on October 23, 2016
    I am from Mumbai I have big market in Mumbai for sell rice any one can provide me rice I can sell very easily For that please I am going my wh app no 9764040989. Any body interested please write me. Company or individual who can supply rice
  • Navneet Kumar said on October 25, 2016
    hi i want to start a rice mill in my home town in U.P. pilibhit. so i would like to know what is the minimum investment required. what are the machineries & equipments needed for it. what will be the cost of those machineries. area needed for plant & godown. what will be the total expenditure for it & govt rules regulation.
  • Sanjay Whavale said on December 2, 2016
    Hi, i'm interested in doing rice dealership business, so i need to know the license procedures and the approximate amount of capital i need to invest. please help me through my email Id: sanjaywhavale@gmail.com
  • Bhushan poddar said on December 15, 2016
    Hi! I want to start a rice mill in my home town in Jharkhand( Godda district in mahagama). So I would like to know what is the minimum investment required. What are the machineries & equipment needed for it? What is subsidy from Ministry of food processing and Jharkhand Govt? What will be the cost of those machineries? How much area is needed for plant & godown. what will be the total expenditure for it & govt rules regulation. Regards, Bhushan poddar contact no. 9572350596
  • Sanjay Whaavale said on January 27, 2017
    Dear sir, I'm looking to start a rice wholesale dealership point in my locality-MUMBAI, Maharshtra, India. Need ur suggestions on marketing tips. Also there are lot of apartments in my area , how can I promote my rice to them. plz shower some ideas and VAS, Sanjay Whavale: 09769060330, sanjaywhavale@gmail.com
  • Khadijat said on January 28, 2017
    i'm khadijat from ibadan,nigeria , i want start a rice dealership business which is buying rice and distributing locally to wholesalers and retailers here in ibadan, pls give me some good ideas and some suggestion to succeed and reach my goal! pls send me some very good examples on how to make a business planning for a dealership, whole sale and distributor of rice. thank you.. contact me +2348087911053
  • Geeta said on February 13, 2017
    hello, I am from Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh I want to start rice business, Pls advise is it a profitable business and what are the government policies to do the same, advise the necessary formalities for opening and maintaining the shop in Andhra pradesh, thank you
  • Buddhika pathum said on March 7, 2017
    Hi i'm Buddhika pathum i'm from srilanka. I want to buy rice mill please tell me where have from .and other country also no problem .
  • B.Radhakrishnan beginner adviser said on March 14, 2017

    @p.k. das?For starting rice mill and rice exports please contact me-RADHAKRIAHNAN-MOBILE-9846063506, E-MAIL-palazhyyy@gmail.com

    palazhyyy@gmail.com || Import Export Business Consultant

  • onouha walter said on April 19, 2017
    how to write a feasibility study of rice business with a start up capital of 500,000.00 on the following
    the business climate,
    the product,
    the market survey,
    technical feasibility,
    manpower requirement,
    raw material requirement,
    production procedure,
    quality control,
    projected output,
    capital requirement,
    working capital requirement,
    cash budget,
    income statement,
    projected annual cash flow,
    projected balance sheet.
  • y6esudasn said on June 1, 2017
    I want to Rice retail business in my area means Kothapeta AP INDIA , I am retired employee nearly my investment 4 to 5 lakhs if any possible please contact mobile. 9490188568 regards N Y Das
  • kuldeep jain said on June 14, 2017
    i am from Madhya Pradesh i want to start a rice wholesale business in Dubai. i would like to keep the Export business of india rice in Dubai wholesale market. can you give me some Dubai rice marketing concepts and rice business advise. please tell me details how to get license? and Rice business at Dubai.
  • Rajeshkumar said on June 17, 2017
    Dear @Kuldeep Jain, Please contact me regarding starting a business or any business partnership in Dubai. I have a trading company in UAE. mrkworldwide2016@gmail.com or 9976676666. Rajeshkumar
  • Ahmad said on October 7, 2017
    Dear sir, I want to start wholesale and retail rice business in Bihar so please suggest me from where I purchase the rice in best prices.
  • Amarnath Reddy said on December 2, 2017
    Hi Friends, I am Mr. Amarnath Reddy, i am from Hyderabad, India. I want to export Sona masoori rice to abroad. we buy Rice Direct from Farmers, if interested mail me at amarmettu@outlook.com +91-8019614900.
  • Sunil Kumar said on January 15, 2018
    Hi friends. This is Suni from Odisha working for SBI as Resolution Agent. There is a new modern rice mill with 42TPH capacity built in 2015 has been seized by bank due to working capital problem by the owner. Any big group or industry wanting to discuss about the project kindly contact me on 9337030999.
  • Nilabh Kumar said on June 22, 2018
    Hi, My father wants to open a rice mill in Bihar. If possible please share the basic requirements, investment, and procedure to open it. My email is "nilabh.thakur@yahoo.com"
  • Sabir said on August 21, 2018
    sir good day, I want to start retail and wholesale rice shop. What is the basic thing we have follow before I start the business? How Much will be an initial budget to start the business? My residence is West Bengal and Bhutan border is only 1 Km away from my residence. And I am planning to open the shop both in West Bengal and Bhutan. Please let me know Important point which I have to remember while starting the business. Regards, Sabir
  • Jamshi Basheer said on December 10, 2018
    Sir, I am planning to start a rice business in Kerala. I plan to take rice from other states and deliver it to Kerala. I want your advice on how much money to spend in the starting stage. What are the formalities to start this business? It's profitable or not?
  • Thirumuruga k said on December 27, 2018
    I need to start a rice business; I am entirely technical. But my ambition or goal is also the rice business only. Please, anyone guide or support how to do the rice business? Please give an idea..initially .low investment only, but I can invest the maximum in the future.
  • Venkatesh said on March 23, 2019
    Dear Sir/Madam, I wanted to start rice trading in Hyderabad, and I hardly know anything about this business. Can anyone suggest how to go about this--any reg/formalities required. How many varieties of rice are available? Also, know places nearby Hyderabad where the best quality rice is available. Finally want to know whether any tax is levied on importing rice from Andhra/other states into Hyderabad (Telangana) and how much working capital is required to start.
  • PRAPHUL KUMAR said on May 27, 2019
    I am an MBA student; I want to start a rice mill in the SIWAN district in BIHAR, India. Suggest to me the initial investment and land required
  • Mahesh G said on October 19, 2020
    Hi Friends, This is Mahesh from Hyderabad (Telangana). I want to sell rice from my paddy fields instead of direct selling paddy. Will there be any govt terms to be followed? I want to start a small business and want increase in selling rice slowly by purchasing from other farmers. So we can give reasonable prices to farmers and set up a business. Please advise me on this and any risks involved here.
  • Bomman.Tarun Kumar said on February 6, 2021
    Dear Sir, I am B. TARUN KUMAR, I have land used for farming, and I want to sell my rice to people with my brand within India .what I have to do? What is the procedure?..... Thank you, sir...B.T.K
  • Sameer said on March 29, 2021
    Dear Sir, I want to start a wholesale rice trading business in Bangalore; what is the procedure to create, and what legal documents are required? Thank you
  • Sylvia said on March 21, 2025
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