Start Tilapia Farming
Tilapia has found its way from Oriental restaurants to grocery stores and restaurants in the U.S. That is to say that a market exists for those wanting to raise tilapia commercially. How? We have a basic guide to tilapia farming that includes topics on the most commonly used system to raise tilapia and the parameters that must be controlled to effect maximum yield.
Due to the popularity and ethnic group demand for tilapia cuisines in Oriental restaurants in the U.S., large volumes of frozen tilapias are being shipped to the country from abroad.

Now, tilapia has become an established seafood item in the country. It is found in seafood restaurants and some grocery stores. Live fish are found in farmers market and stores with live tanks.
Raising tilapia can be simple or complex depending on how strict or lenient a breeder wants to apply his fish growing strategy. He can exercise stringent control over water quality and food supply to affect greater yield, or leave most of the fish growing process to nature. To start, a farmer can buy tilapia fingerlings and raise them until they are the size that can be sold or he can breed his own stock.
The most common tilapia genus raised commercially is Oreochromis. Generally, tilapias feed on almost all food sources and can thrive solely on pellets, but they could do well if fed with a few vegetables, aquatic plants and meat. A breeder can grow tilapias in ponds, tanks or cages.
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They say pond culture is the most commonly employed method employed because it is one of the best and requires less capital requirement. That is because for a fish farm to be profitable, it must produce the greatest yield in the smallest area available at the minimum cost. More complex methods of fish growing are the most effective, but they are also costly. The challenge for a breeder is to find the system that yields the most at the most cost effective way.
Tilapia Culture in Ponds
Ponds cost less to construct than, say tanks, and allows natural biological productivity to occur in the system. Further, it allows innovation such as the use of cages or net enclosures to allow more efficient collection and growing of fry. However, in the pond system where there are no predators, overpopulation is a tendency. Over population puts pressure in the system and could retard the growth of the fish to its maximum potential.
Fish Farming Parameters
Critical to any tilapia production system are the levels of dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, pH, and nitrogen compounds present in water as well as temperature. These parameters must be maintained as tilapia feeds are introduced into the system. Pond culture relies on natural process to convert wastes present in it. But as fish growth increases (which results to higher stocking densities and feed requirement), additional aeration and water exchange must be done to maintain required parameters.
You can learn more about Tilapia Fish Farming by Watching this Video.
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1)I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of using concrete walled pond in an area where there's no water in the ground.
2)Appropriate pond sizes based on the number of fish.
3)Any other information relevant to setup.
Thanks. Emmanuel
Raghunath Natarajan
Startup Biz Hub - Advisor (Staff)